Getting the class name of an instance

Asked 2023-09-21 08:08:02 View 806,914

How do I find out the name of the class used to create an instance of an object in Python?

I'm not sure if I should use the inspect module or parse the __class__ attribute.

  • What exactly are you 'parsing' from the class variable? - anyone
  • the top-level name of the class that the instance belongs to (without module name, etc...) - anyone


Have you tried the __name__ attribute of the class? ie type(x).__name__ will give you the name of the class, which I think is what you want.

>>> import itertools
>>> x = itertools.count(0)
>>> type(x).__name__

If you're still using Python 2, note that the above method works with new-style classes only (in Python 3+ all classes are "new-style" classes). Your code might use some old-style classes. The following works for both:


Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

  • Amazingly simple. Wonder why dir(x.__class__) does not list it? - anyone
  • Why use __class__ over the type method? Like so: type(x).__name__. Isn't calling double underscore members directly discouraged? I can't see a way around using __name__, though. - anyone
  • You have to use __class__ directly to be compatible with old-style classes, since their type is just instance. - anyone
  • This is used often enough in logging, orm and framework code that there really should be a builtin typename(x) ... requiring a user to look at the "guts" to get a name isn't terribly pythonic, IMO. - anyone
  • @ErikAronesty, def typename(x): return type(x).__name__ - anyone

Do you want the name of the class as a string?


Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

  • Or instance.__class__ to get the class object :D - anyone
  • Is it safe to use double underscore properties? - anyone
  • @EduardLuca why wouldn't it be safe? Built-in properties use underscores so that they do not cause any conflict with the code you write - anyone
  • Well I know that single underscores mean / suggest that the method / property should be private (although you can't really implement private methods in Python AFAIK), and I was wondering if that's not the case with (some) double underscores too. - anyone
  • @EduardLuca Double underscores at the start only are similar to a single underscore at the start, but even more "private" (look up "python name mangling"). Double underscores at beginning and end are different - those are reserved for python and are not private (e.g. magic methods like __init__ and __add__). - anyone

type() ?

>>> class A:
...     def whoami(self):
...         print(type(self).__name__)
>>> class B(A):
...     pass
>>> o = B()
>>> o.whoami()

Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

  • I like this one. This way, it is possible in a base class to get the name of the subclass. - anyone
  • or self.__class__.__name__ instead of type(self).__name__ to get the same behaviour. Unless there is something the type() function does that I am not aware of? - anyone
  • If you're using type(item) on a list item the result will be <type 'instance'> while item.__class__.__name__ holds the class name. - anyone
  • I think the issue that @Grochni mentions is only relevant for certain classes in Python 2.x, see here:… - anyone
  • @andreb The original solution is shorter. - anyone
class A:

a = A()

The sample code above (when input in the interactive interpreter) will produce '__main__.A' as opposed to 'A' which is produced if the __name__ attribute is invoked. By simply passing the result of A.__class__ to the str constructor the parsing is handled for you. However, you could also use the following code if you want something more explicit.


This behavior can be preferable if you have classes with the same name defined in separate modules.

The sample code provided above was tested in Python 2.7.5.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

In Python 2,

type(instance).__name__ != instance.__class__.__name__
# if class A is defined like
class A():

type(instance) == instance.__class__
# if class A is defined like
class A(object):


>>> class aclass(object):
...   pass
>>> a = aclass()
>>> type(a)
<class '__main__.aclass'>
>>> a.__class__
<class '__main__.aclass'>
>>> type(a).__name__
>>> a.__class__.__name__

>>> class bclass():
...   pass
>>> b = bclass()
>>> type(b)
<type 'instance'>
>>> b.__class__
<class __main__.bclass at 0xb765047c>
>>> type(b).__name__
>>> b.__class__.__name__

Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

  • This only holds true for old Python 2.x. In 3.x, bclass() would resolve to bclass(object). And even then, new classes appeared in Python 2.2. - anyone

Alternatively you can use the classmethod decorator:

class A:
    def get_classname(cls):
        return cls.__name__

    def use_classname(self):
        return self.get_classname()


>>> A.get_classname()
>>> a = A()
>>> a.get_classname()
>>> a.use_classname()

Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

Good question.

Here's a simple example based on GHZ's which might help someone:

>>> class person(object):
        def init(self,name):
        def info(self)
            print "My name is {0}, I am a {1}".format(,self.__class__.__name__)
>>> bob = person(name='Robert')
My name is Robert, I am a person

Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

Apart from grabbing the special __name__ attribute, you might find yourself in need of the qualified name for a given class/function. This is done by grabbing the types __qualname__.

In most cases, these will be exactly the same, but, when dealing with nested classes/methods these differ in the output you get. For example:

class Spam:
    def meth(self):
    class Bar:

>>> s = Spam()
>>> type(s).__name__ 
>>> type(s).__qualname__
>>> type(s).Bar.__name__       # type not needed here
>>> type(s).Bar.__qualname__   # type not needed here 
>>> type(s).meth.__name__
>>> type(s).meth.__qualname__

Since introspection is what you're after, this is always you might want to consider.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

You can simply use __qualname__ which stands for qualified name of a function or class


>>> class C:
...     class D:
...         def meth(self):
...             pass
>>> C.__qualname__
>>> C.D.__qualname__
>>> C.D.meth.__qualname__

documentation link qualname

Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

  • this gives the name of a class not the class name of an instance - anyone
  • This was already suggested by @Dimitris in 2017 - anyone

To get instance classname:




both are the same

Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

You can first use type and then str to extract class name from it.

class foo:pass;




Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02

  • That's hard to read, are those inline methods I don't know about? - anyone
  • If I came across a line such as this, I'd definitely "annotate" the code just to know the name of whom I was going to swear a lot. - anyone

If you're looking to solve this for a list (or iterable collection) of objects, here's how I would solve:

from operator import attrgetter

# Will use a few data types to show a point
my_list = [1, "2", 3.0, [4], object(), type, None]

# I specifically want to create a generator
my_class_names = list(map(attrgetter("__name__"), map(type, my_list))))

# Result:
['int', 'str', 'float', 'list', 'object', 'type', 'NoneType']

# Alternatively, use a lambda
my_class_names = list(map(lambda x: type(x).__name__, my_list))

Answered   2023-09-21 08:08:02