Do a "git export" (like "svn export")?

Asked 2023-09-20 20:28:25 View 722,615

I've been wondering whether there is a good "git export" solution that creates a copy of a tree without the .git repository directory. There are at least three methods I know of:

  1. git clone followed by removing the .git repository directory.
  2. git checkout-index alludes to this functionality but starts with "Just read the desired tree into the index..." which I'm not entirely sure how to do.
  3. git-export is a third-party script that essentially does a git clone into a temporary location followed by rsync --exclude='.git' into the final destination.

None of these solutions really strike me as being satisfactory. The closest one to svn export might be option 1, because both require the target directory to be empty first. But option 2 seems even better, assuming I can figure out what it means to read a tree into the index.

  • @rnrTom: See Somov's answer. (there's nothing "compressed" in a tar archive). - anyone
  • @mrTom git archive --format zip --output "" master -0 will give you an uncompressed archive (-0 is the flag for uncompressed). - anyone
  • I concur with @mrTom, and I don't think whether the archive is compressed or uncompressed is the main issue. With SVN, I can export a 250 kB subdirectory directly from remote repository (which could otherwise be 200 MB in size, excluding revisions) - and I will only hit the network for 250 kB (or so) download transfer. With git, archive has to be enabled on server (so I can't try it) - clone --depth 1 from server may still retrieve a repo of say 25 MB, where the .git subfolder alone takes 15MB. Therefore, I'd still say answer is "no". - anyone
  • Here is a nice and simple way: git archive -o HEAD - anyone
  • I've been using this question as the man-page for "git export" for years now, fyi. - anyone


Probably the simplest way to achieve this is with git archive. If you really need just the expanded tree you can do something like this.

git archive master | tar -x -C /somewhere/else

Most of the time that I need to 'export' something from git, I want a compressed archive in any case so I do something like this.

git archive master | bzip2 >source-tree.tar.bz2

ZIP archive:

git archive --format zip --output /full/path/to/ master 

git help archive for more details, it's quite flexible.

Be aware that even though the archive will not contain the .git directory, it will, however, contain other hidden git-specific files like .gitignore, .gitattributes, etc. If you don't want them in the archive, make sure you use the export-ignore attribute in a .gitattributes file and commit this before doing your archive. Read more...

Note: If you are interested in exporting the index, the command is

git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=/destination/path/

(See Greg's answer for more details)

Here's a real-world example using libchrony on Linux:

mkdir $HOME/dev
cd $HOME/dev
pushd /tmp
git clone
cd libchrony
BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
git archive -o ../ --prefix="libchrony/" $BRANCH
unzip /tmp/

Those commands produce a zip file and extract it into $HOME/dev/libchrony. We can peek into the archive using:

$ unzip -v /tmp/libchrony
Archive:  /tmp/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2023-07-20 09:37 00000000  libchrony/
      49  Defl:N       47   4% 2023-07-20 09:37 37c3f2e2  libchrony/.gitignore
   26530  Defl:N     9350  65% 2023-07-20 09:37 5622583e  libchrony/COPYING
     961  Defl:N      467  51% 2023-07-20 09:37 da9221e3  libchrony/Makefile
     475  Defl:N      304  36% 2023-07-20 09:37 cae27f70  libchrony/README.adoc
    3313  Defl:N     1119  66% 2023-07-20 09:37 37eb110f  libchrony/chrony.h
    7673  Defl:N     2261  71% 2023-07-20 09:37 5d455a52  libchrony/client.c
    6190  Defl:N     2093  66% 2023-07-20 09:37 7ea9d81b  libchrony/example-reports.c
   16348  Defl:N     3855  76% 2023-07-20 09:37 e82f5fe3  libchrony/message.c
    2946  Defl:N     1099  63% 2023-07-20 09:37 945ee82b  libchrony/message.h
--------          -------  ---                            -------
   64485            20595  68%                            10 files

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • ZIP archive: git archive --format zip --output /full/path master - anyone
  • Be aware that the archive will not contain the .git directory, but will contain other hidden git-specific files like .gitignore, .gitattributes, etc. So if you don't want them, make sure you use the export-ignore attribute in a .gitattributes file and commit this before doing your archive. See… - anyone
  • To follow up on Streams' note: you can add a '--prefix=something/' string into the command to control the directory name that will be packed inside the zip. For example, if you use git archive --format zip --output /path/to/ --prefix=newdir/ master the output will be called '' but when you unpack it, the top level directory will be 'newdir'. (If you omit the --prefix attribute, the top level dir would be 'file'.) - anyone
  • The easiest way: git archive -o HEAD It create a Zip archive that contains the contents of the latest commit on the current branch. Note that the output format is inferred by the extension of the output file. - anyone
  • It does not support git submodules :( - anyone

I found out what option 2 means. From a repository, you can do:

git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=/destination/path/

The slash at the end of the path is important, otherwise it will result in the files being in /destination with a prefix of 'path'.

Since in a normal situation the index contains the contents of the repository, there is nothing special to do to "read the desired tree into the index". It's already there.

The -a flag is required to check out all files in the index (I'm not sure what it means to omit this flag in this situation, since it doesn't do what I want). The -f flag forces overwriting any existing files in the output, which this command doesn't normally do.

This appears to be the sort of "git export" I was looking for.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • ...and DON'T FORGET THE SLASH AT THE END, or you won't have the desired effect ;) - anyone
  • The git add command changes content in the index, so whatever git status shows as "to be committed" is the differences between HEAD and the contents of the index. - anyone
  • @conny: read your comment, forgot about it and ran the command without a trailing slash. tip: follow conny's advice -.- - anyone
  • +1 to conny's advice. Also, don't try to create '~/dest/', as this creates a directory called '~' in your working directory, rather than what you really wanted. Guess what happens when you mindlessly type rm -rf ~ - anyone
  • @KyleHeironimus - your warning about using '~/dest/` is true iff you use quotes around your prefix path which tells the shell not to perform tilde expansion. A dir called ~ (not '~' !) will be created in your working dir. There is nothing special about git checkout-index in this regard: The same is true of mkdir '~/dest' (don't do that!). Yet another good reason to avoid file names that need quoting (e.g. that have a space in them) :-) - anyone

git archive also works with remote repository.

git archive --format=tar \
--remote=ssh://remote_server/remote_repository master | tar -xf -

To export particular path inside the repo add as many paths as you wish as last argument to git, e.g.:

git archive --format=tar \
--remote=ssh://remote_server/remote_repository master path1/ path2/ | tar -xv

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • This one is the option I like best. It has the additional benefit that it also works on bare repositories. - anyone
  • Am improved version is: git archive --format=tar --prefix=PROJECT_NAME/ --remote=USER@SERVER:PROJECT_NAME.git master | tar -xf - (ensures your archive is in a folder) - anyone
  • Note: server must enable this feature. - anyone
  • I tried : git archive --format=zip --output --remote= master And got fatal: Operation not supported by protocol. Unexpected end of command stream. - anyone
  • @andyf GitHub has its own way: curl -L | tar xzf - per docs - anyone

enter image description here

A special case answer if the repository is hosted on GitHub.

Just use svn export.

As far as I know Github does not allow archive --remote. Although GitHub is svn compatible and they do have all git repos svn accessible so you could just use svn export like you normally would with a few adjustments to your GitHub url.

For example to export an entire repository, notice how trunk in the URL replaces master (or whatever the project's HEAD branch is set to):

svn export

And you can export a single file or even a certain path or folder:

svn export

Example with jQuery JavaScript Library

The HEAD branch or master branch will be available using trunk:

svn ls

The non-HEAD branches will be accessible under /branches/:

svn ls

All tags under /tags/ in the same fashion:

svn ls

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • git archive works fine with GitHub, as long as you use the git protocol, Just replace https:// with git:// in the URL. I don't know why GitHub doesn't advertise this hidden feature. - anyone
  • @NeilMayhew It doesn't work for me, I get fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly. Tried on two different servers with jQuery github repo. - anyone
  • You're right. I'd forgotten that I was using git config url.<base>.insteadOf to cache the remote repository. I was therefore using a file:// URL in reality. I doubt that git archive could ever work with git:// URLs since it needs to be able to run git-upload-archive at the remote end. It should be possible using the ssh protocol, except that github doesn't allow it (Invalid command: 'git-upload-archive'). - anyone
  • Any way to use a local server tool behaving like github if I want to do it on internally hosted git repositories ? - anyone
  • upvoted -- it's completely bizarre that Git doesn't have this feature and we have to resort to svn - anyone

From the Git Manual:

Using git-checkout-index to "export an entire tree"

The prefix ability basically makes it trivial to use git-checkout-index as an "export as tree" function. Just read the desired tree into the index, and do:

$ git checkout-index --prefix=git-export-dir/ -a

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • I think the confusion is the phrase "read the desired tree into the index". - anyone
  • If you want to export directory foo in branch bar, then this would be git read-tree bar:foo And then git checkout-index --prefix=export_dir/ -a after that maybe you should do git update-index master - anyone
  • @JohnWeldon Does it require you to clone the repo first? If so, then I wouldn't accept it, since the whole point of "svn export" of a subdirectory is to directly get a copy of that subdirectory; if someone has a 1GB Git repo and all I want is a 10kB subdirectory, it's insane to require me to clone the whole thing. - anyone
  • Also I'd echo @davetron5000 with the comment "read the desired tree into the index" which I have no idea what it means. - anyone

I've written a simple wrapper around git-checkout-index that you can use like this:

git export ~/the/destination/dir

If the destination directory already exists, you'll need to add -f or --force.

Installation is simple; just drop the script somewhere in your PATH, and make sure it's executable.

The github repository for git-export

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • This wrapper is not platform-agnostic; it relies on /bin/sh. So if you're on Windows, this solution probably won't work for you. - anyone
  • Uhh, this script is 57 lines of documentation, whitespace, setup, argument parsing, and only one line which actually does something... - anyone

It appears that this is less of an issue with Git than SVN. Git only puts a .git folder in the repository root, whereas SVN puts a .svn folder in every subdirectory. So "svn export" avoids recursive command-line magic, whereas with Git recursion is not necessary.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

The equivalent of

svn export . otherpath

inside an existing repo is

git archive branchname | (cd otherpath; tar x)

The equivalent of

svn export url otherpath


git archive --remote=url branchname | (cd otherpath; tar x)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • thanks, this was what I was missing... also, to check the timestamps of the export (they will not be preserved as on the files), use git archive --format=tar --prefix=junk/ HEAD | (tar -t -v --full-time -f -) ... However, archiving with timestamps is not exactly trivial, so I posted an example below. - anyone
  • You can use the C option for tar instead of the subshell, like this: git archive branchname | tar xC otherpath - anyone
  • Heads up that the C option to tar is GNU Tar only. - anyone

If you're not excluding files with .gitattributes export-ignore then try git checkout

mkdir /path/to/checkout/
git --git-dir=/path/to/repo/.git --work-tree=/path/to/checkout/ checkout -f -q

When checking out paths from the index, do not fail upon unmerged entries; instead, unmerged entries are ignored.


Avoid verbose

Additionally you can get any Branch or Tag or from a specific Commit Revision like in SVN just adding the SHA1 (SHA1 in Git is the equivalent to the Revision Number in SVN)

mkdir /path/to/checkout/
git --git-dir=/path/to/repo/.git --work-tree=/path/to/checkout/ checkout 2ef2e1f2de5f3d4f5e87df7d8 -f -q -- ./

The /path/to/checkout/ must be empty, Git will not delete any file, but will overwrite files with the same name without any warning

UPDATE: To avoid the beheaded problem or to leave intact the working repository when using checkout for export with tags, branches or SHA1, you need to add -- ./ at the end

The double dash -- tells git that everything after the dashes are paths or files, and also in this case tells git checkout to not change the HEAD


This command will get just the libs directory and also the readme.txt file from that exactly commit

git --git-dir=/path/to/repo/.git --work-tree=/path/to/checkout/ checkout fef2e1f2de5f3d4f5e87df7d8 -f -q -- ./libs ./docs/readme.txt

This will create(overwrite) my_file_2_behind_HEAD.txt two commits behind the head HEAD^2

git --git-dir=/path/to/repo/.git --work-tree=/path/to/checkout/ checkout HEAD^2 -f -q -- ./my_file_2_behind_HEAD.txt

To get the export of another branch

git --git-dir=/path/to/repo/.git --work-tree=/path/to/checkout/ checkout myotherbranch -f -q -- ./

Notice that ./ is relative to the root of the repository

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • Actually, among numerous others and upvotes, this worked best for me, without any compressions, working fine with bare repositories (gitolite). - anyone
  • Notice that the SHA1 checkout will create a "behead" problem in the repository - anyone
  • actualy @ITGabs, this does not download ".git" folder. So the downloaded folder is not a git repository, so it is not technically "beheaded" - anyone
  • @FabioMarreco The behead issue is on the repository not in the exported/downloaded files, I am updating the answer for more details - anyone
  • This worked great for me. But at first I got "Not a git repository" error messages. Then I found that "/path/to/repo/" had to point to the .git folder. So this worked: --git-dir=/path/to/repo/.git - anyone

I use git-submodules extensively. This one works for me:

rsync -a ./FROM/ ./TO --exclude='.*'

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • Wouldn't that miss files whose names start with a dot, such as .htaccess? - anyone
  • A good solution, I would change --exclude='.*' to --exclude='.git*' - anyone
  • --exclude-vcs if you were going to take this tact - anyone
  • Can ./FROM/ be a remote repo? - anyone
  • As an FYI, my copy of rsync lists the argument as --cvs-exclude. Additionally, it still copies over .gitattributes and .gitignore - anyone

I have hit this page frequently when looking for a way to export a git repository. My answer to this question considers three properties that svn export has by design compared to git, since svn follows a centralized repository approach:

  • It minimizes the traffic to a remote repository location by not exporting all revisions

  • It does not include meta information in the export directory

  • Exporting a certain branch using svn is accomplished by specifying the appropriate path

      git clone --depth 1 --branch main git://git.somewhere destination_path
      rm -rf destination_path/.git

When building a certain release it is useful to clone a stable branch as for example --branch stable or --branch release/0.9.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • This does not work if the destination exists and is non-empty. - anyone
  • The One True Answer: it arises from the depths. The git archive | tar approach is inapplicable to POSIX-incompatible shell environments (e.g., AppVeyor's CMD- or PowerShell-based CI), which is non-ideal. The git checkout approach modifies the index of the main working tree, which is awful. The git checkout-index approach requires the index of the main working tree to be modified beforehand, which is even awful-er. The traditional git clone approach clones the entirety of the repository's history before deleting that history, which is wasteful. This is the only sane solution left. - anyone
  • To export locally, note that the absolute path of the Git working tree to be cloned from should be prefixed by the file:// protocol (e.g., git clone --depth 1 --branch v3.14.15 file:///home/me/src_repo trg_repo). Failing to do so will emit "warning: --depth is ignored in local clones; use file:// instead." and perform a standard rather than shallow clone, defeating the entire purpose of this answer. Salud! - anyone
  • master --> main as of today in most repos - anyone
  • For the celebrations to the tenth anniversary of this answer I renamed the branch name. - anyone

This will copy all contents, minus the .dot files. I use this to export git cloned projects into my web app's git repo without the .git stuff.

cp -R ./path-to-git-repo /path/to/destination/

Plain old bash works just great :)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • Why not just push to remote? Even simpler than bash. - anyone
  • what about files that are part of web applications and its name starts with dot? :) think about .htaccess - anyone
  • Sometimes you also want to ignore what's in .gitignore, this won't. - anyone

As simple as clone then delete the .git folder:

git clone url_of_your_repo path_to_export && rm -rf path_to_export/.git

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • Honestly - this answer, which is also #1 in the question - is what you're going to be doing 99% of the time. Most of these answers are crazy overcomplicated. - anyone
  • −1. First, this way is already mentioned in the question as one that doesn't satisfy the question author. Second, in this way the whole history will be downloaded, which can be much larger than the useful part. Please at least include --depth 1. Third, even if this answer is improved, it adds nothing to the Lars Schillingmann's answer. - anyone

For GitHub users, the git archive --remote method won't work directly, as the export URL is ephemeral. You must ask GitHub for the URL, then download that URL. curl makes that easy:

curl -L | tar xzf -

This will give you the exported code in a local directory. Example:

$ curl -L | tar xzf -
$ ls jpic-bashworks-34f4441/
break  conf  docs  hack  LICENSE  mlog  module  mpd  mtests  os  README.rst  remote  todo  vcs  vps  wepcrack

If you want the code put into a specific, existing directory (rather than the random one from github):

curl -L | \
tar xzC /path/you/want --strip 1

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

Yes, this is a clean and neat command to archive your code without any git inclusion in the archive and is good to pass around without worrying about any git commit history.

git archive --format zip --output /full/path/to/ master 

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

I just want to point out that in the case that you are

  1. exporting a sub folder of the repository (that's how I used to use SVN export feature)
  2. are OK with copying everything from that folder to the deployment destination
  3. and since you already have a copy of the entire repository in place.

Then you can just use cp foo [destination] instead of the mentioned git-archive master foo | -x -C [destination].

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

You can archive a remote repo at any commit as zip file.


Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

If you want something that works with submodules this might be worth a go.


  • MASTER_DIR = a checkout with your submodules checked out also
  • DEST_DIR = where this export will end up
  • If you have rsync, I think you'd be able to do the same thing with even less ball ache.


  • You need to run this from the parent directory of MASTER_DIR ( i.e from MASTER_DIR cd .. )
  • DEST_DIR is assumed to have been created. This is pretty easy to modify to include the creation of a DEST_DIR if you wanted to

cd MASTER_DIR && tar -zcvf ../DEST_DIR/export.tar.gz --exclude='.git*' . && cd ../DEST_DIR/ && tar xvfz export.tar.gz && rm export.tar.gz

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

My preference would actually be to have a dist target in your Makefile (or other build system) that exports a distributable archive of your code (.tar.bz2, .zip, .jar, or whatever is appropriate). If you happen to be using GNU autotools or Perl's MakeMaker systems, I think this exists for you automatically. If not, I highly recommend adding it.

ETA (2012-09-06): Wow, harsh downvotes. I still believe it is better to build your distributions with your build tools rather than your source code control tool. I believe in building artifacts with build tools. In my current job, our main product is built with an ant target. We are in the midst of switching source code control systems, and the presence of this ant target means one less hassle in migration.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • The project I had in mind isn't a code project; it happens to be more along the lines of a web site project. - anyone
  • Doesn't address the question. - anyone
  • Yeah, such an answer may not fit everybody's needs, but the downvotes are bizarre. It is a totally valid answer, and indeed, in many scenarios, the only correct answer. It makes the very valid point that thinking about this issue as a "vc tool issue" is often going down the wrong path entirely. - anyone

As I understand the question, it it more about downloading just certain state from the server, without history, and without data of other branches, rather than extracting a state from a local repository (as many anwsers here do).

That can be done like this:

git clone -b someBranch --depth 1 --single-branch git:// \
&& rm -rf repo/.git/
  • --single-branch is available since Git 1.7.10 (April 2012).
  • --depth is (was?) reportedly faulty, but for the case of an export, the mentioned issues should not matter.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • Note: I just noticed there are 2 pages of anwsers, I only looked at one before posting. There is one similar anwser with only --depth, which implies --single-branch unless --no-single-branch is given, which means this has probably the same effect. Not sure though, some expert may confirm? - anyone

Bash-implementation of git-export.

I have segmented the .empty file creation and removal processes on their own function, with the purpose of re-using them in the 'git-archive' implementation (will be posted later on).

I have also added the '.gitattributes' file to the process in order to remove un-wanted files from the target export folder. Included verbosity to the process while making the 'git-export' function more efficient.


function create_empty () {
## Processing path (target-dir):
## Component(s):
echo -en "\nAdding '${EMPTY_FILE}' files to empty folder(s): ...";
    find ${TRG_PATH} -not -path "*/${EXCLUDE_DIR}/*" -type d -empty -exec touch {}/${EMPTY_FILE} \;
#echo "done.";
## Purging SRC/TRG_DIRs variable(s):
    return 0;

declare -a GIT_EXCLUDE;
function load_exclude () {
    ITEMS=0; while read LINE; do
#      echo -e "Line [${ITEMS}]: '${LINE%%\ *}'";
      GIT_EXCLUDE[((ITEMS++))]=${LINE%%\ *};
    done < ${SRC_PATH}/.gitattributes;
## Purging variable(s):
    unset SRC_PATH ITEMS;
    return 0;

function purge_empty () {
## Processing path (Source/Target-dir):
echo -e "\nPurging Git-Specific component(s): ... ";
    find ${SRC_PATH} -type f -name ${EMPTY_FILE} -exec /bin/rm '{}' \;
    for xRULE in ${GIT_EXCLUDE[@]}; do
echo -en "    '${TRG_PATH}/{${xRULE}}' files ... ";
      find ${TRG_PATH} -type f -name "${xRULE}" -exec /bin/rm -rf '{}' \;
echo "done.'";
echo -e "done.\n"
## Purging SRC/TRG_PATHs variable(s):
    unset SRC_PATH; unset TRG_PATH;
    return 0;

function git-export () {
    TRG_DIR="${1}"; SRC_DIR="${2}";
    if [ -z "${SRC_DIR}" ]; then SRC_DIR="${PWD}"; fi
    load_exclude "${SRC_DIR}";
## Dynamically added '.empty' files to the Git-Structure:
    create_empty "${SRC_DIR}";
    GIT_COMMIT="Including '${EMPTY_FILE}' files into Git-Index container."; #echo -e "\n${GIT_COMMIT}";
    git add .; git commit --quiet --all --verbose --message "${GIT_COMMIT}";
    if [ "${?}" -eq 0 ]; then echo " done."; fi
    /bin/rm -rf ${TRG_DIR} && mkdir -p "${TRG_DIR}";
echo -en "\nChecking-Out Index component(s): ... ";
    git checkout-index --prefix=${TRG_DIR}/ -q -f -a
## Reset: --mixed = reset HEAD and index:
    if [ "${?}" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "done."; echo -en "Resetting HEAD and Index: ... ";
        git reset --soft HEAD^;
        if [ "${?}" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "done.";
## Purging Git-specific components and '.empty' files from Target-Dir:
            purge_empty "${SRC_DIR}" "${TRG_DIR}"
          else echo "failed.";
## Archiving exported-content:
echo -en "Archiving Checked-Out component(s): ... ";
        if [ -f "${TRG_DIR}.tgz" ]; then /bin/rm ${TRG_DIR}.tgz; fi
        cd ${TRG_DIR} && tar -czf ${TRG_DIR}.tgz ./; cd ${SRC_DIR}
echo "done.";
## Listing *.tgz file attributes:
## Warning: Un-TAR this file to a specific directory:
        ls -al ${TRG_DIR}.tgz
      else echo "failed.";
## Purgin all references to Un-Staged File(s):
   git reset HEAD;
## Purging SRC/TRG_DIRs variable(s):
    unset SRC_DIR; unset TRG_DIR;
    echo "";
    return 0;


$ git-export /tmp/rel-1.0.0

Adding '.empty' files to empty folder(s): ... done.

Checking-Out Index component(s): ... done.

Resetting HEAD and Index: ... done.

Purging Git-Specific component(s): ...

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{.buildpath}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{.project}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{.gitignore}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{.git}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{.gitattributes}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{*.mno}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{*~}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{.*~}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{*.swp}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{*.swo}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{.DS_Store}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{.settings}' files ... done.'

'/tmp/rel-1.0.0/{.empty}' files ... done.'


Archiving Checked-Out component(s): ... done.

-rw-r--r-- 1 admin wheel 25445901 3 Nov 12:57 /tmp/rel-1.0.0.tgz

I have now incorporated the 'git archive' functionality into a single process that makes use of 'create_empty' function and other features.

function git-archive () {
    PREFIX="${1}"; ## sudo mkdir -p ${PREFIX}
    REPO_PATH="`echo "${2}"|awk -F: '{print $1}'`";
    RELEASE="`echo "${2}"|awk -F: '{print $2}'`";
## Dynamically added '.empty' files to the Git-Structure:
    cd "${REPO_PATH}"; populate_empty .; echo -en "\n";
#    git archive --prefix=git-1.4.0/ -o git-1.4.0.tar.gz v1.4.0
# e.g.: git-archive /var/www/htdocs /repos/ --explode
    git archive --verbose --prefix=${PREFIX}/ -o ${OUTPUT_FILE} ${RELEASE}
    cd "${USER_PATH}";
    if [[ "${3}" =~ [--explode] ]]; then
      if [ -d "./${RELEASE}" ]; then /bin/rm -rf "./${RELEASE}"; fi
      mkdir -p ./${RELEASE}; tar -xzf "${OUTPUT_FILE}" -C ./${RELEASE}
## Purging SRC/TRG_DIRs variable(s):
    return 0;

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • Usage: git-archive [/var/www/htdocs] /repos/web.domain/website:rel-1.0.0 - anyone

a git export to a zip archive while adding a prefix (e.g. directory name):

git archive master --prefix=directoryWithinZip/  --format=zip -o

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

This will copy the files in a range of commits (C to G) to a tar file. Note: this will only get the files commited. Not the entire repository. Slightly modified from Here

Example Commit History

A --> B --> C --> D --> E --> F --> G --> H --> I

git diff-tree -r --no-commit-id --name-only --diff-filter=ACMRT C~..G | xargs tar -rf myTarFile.tar

git-diff-tree Manual Page

-r --> recurse into sub-trees

--no-commit-id --> git diff-tree outputs a line with the commit ID when applicable. This flag suppressed the commit ID output.

--name-only --> Show only names of changed files.

--diff-filter=ACMRT --> Select only these files. See here for full list of files

C..G --> Files in this range of commits

C~ --> Include files from Commit C. Not just files since Commit C.

| xargs tar -rf myTarFile --> outputs to tar

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

By far the easiest way i've seen to do it (and works on windows as well) is git bundle:

git bundle create /some/bundle/path.bundle --all

See this answer for more details: How can I copy my git repository from my windows machine to a linux machine via usb drive?

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • git bundle includes the .git folder, which is what the OP does not want; git archive seems the more appropriate way - anyone
  • Where is documentation on the --all switch? - anyone
  • @GarretWilson it's weird. --all here isn't an option to git bundle create, even though it sure looks like it. --all is a legal value to pass as git-rev-list, see - anyone

I needed this for a deploy script and I couldn't use any of the above mentioned approaches. Instead I figured out a different solution:

[ $# -eq 2 ] || echo "USAGE $0 REPOSITORY DESTINATION" && exit 1
TMPNAME="/tmp/$(basename $REPOSITORY).$$"
rm -rf $TMPNAME/.git
rm -rf $TMPNAME

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • What was the issue with either a read-tree/checkout-index or archive solution? As far as I can tell you've done the equivalent of something like mkdir -p "$2" && git --git-dir="$1" archive HEAD | tar -x -C "$2" but somewhat longer winded. - anyone
  • I couldn't get read-tree to work from a remote repository, and the archive solution doesn't work with github. - anyone
  • Yes with archive get a Invalid command: 'git-upload-archive '... error and i dont have core.gitProxy config option and the GIT_PROXY_COMMAND environment variable set - anyone

Doing it the easy way, this is a function for .bash_profile, it directly unzips the archive on current location, configure first your usual [url:path]. NOTE: With this function you avoid the clone operation, it gets directly from the remote repo.

gitss() {

    if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
        echo -e "Use: gitss repo [tree/commit]\n"
    if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
    echo "Getting $1/$TREEISH..."
    git archive --format=zip --remote=$URL/$1 $TREEISH > $TMPFILE && unzip $TMPFILE && echo -e "\nDone\n"
    rm $TMPFILE

Alias for .gitconfig, same configuration required (TAKE CARE executing the command inside .git projects, it ALWAYS jumps to the base dir previously as said here, until this is fixed I personally prefer the function

ss = !env GIT_TMPFILE="`/bin/tempfile`" sh -c 'git archive --format=zip --remote=[url:path]/$1 $2 \ > $GIT_TMPFILE && unzip $GIT_TMPFILE && rm $GIT_TMPFILE' -

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

I have another solution that works fine if you have a local copy of the repository on the machine where you would like to create the export. In this case move to this repository directory, and enter this command:

GIT_WORK_TREE=outputdirectory git checkout -f

This is particularly useful if you manage a website with a git repository and would like to checkout a clean version in /var/www/. In this case, add thiscommand in a .git/hooks/post-receive script (hooks/post-receive on a bare repository, which is more suitable in this situation)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

I think @Aredridel's post was closest, but there's a bit more to that - so I will add this here; the thing is, in svn, if you're in a subfolder of a repo, and you do:

/media/disk/repo_svn/subdir$ svn export . /media/disk2/repo_svn_B/subdir

then svn will export all files that are under revision control (they could have also freshly Added; or Modified status) - and if you have other "junk" in that directory (and I'm not counting .svn subfolders here, but visible stuff like .o files), it will not be exported; only those files registered by the SVN repo will be exported. For me, one nice thing is that this export also includes files with local changes that have not been committed yet; and another nice thing is that the timestamps of the exported files are the same as the original ones. Or, as svn help export puts it:

  1. Exports a clean directory tree from the working copy specified by PATH1, at revision REV if it is given, otherwise at WORKING, into PATH2. ... If REV is not specified, all local changes will be preserved. Files not under version control will not be copied.

To realize that git will not preserve the timestamps, compare the output of these commands (in a subfolder of a git repo of your choice):

/media/disk/git_svn/subdir$ ls -la .

... and:

/media/disk/git_svn/subdir$ git archive --format=tar --prefix=junk/ HEAD | (tar -t -v --full-time -f -)

... and I, in any case, notice that git archive causes all the timestamps of the archived file to be the same! git help archive says:

git archive behaves differently when given a tree ID versus when given a commit ID or tag ID. In the first case the current time is used as the modification time of each file in the archive. In the latter case the commit time as recorded in the referenced commit object is used instead.

... but apparently both cases set the "modification time of each file"; thereby not preserving the actual timestamps of those files!

So, in order to also preserve the timestamps, here is a bash script, which is actually a "one-liner", albeit somewhat complicated - so below it is posted in multiple lines:

/media/disk/git_svn/subdir$ git archive --format=tar master | (tar tf -) | (\
  DEST="/media/diskC/tmp/subdirB"; \
  CWD="$PWD"; \
  while read line; do \
    DN=$(dirname "$line"); BN=$(basename "$line"); \
    SRD="$CWD"; TGD="$DEST"; \
    if [ "$DN" != "." ]; then \
      SRD="$SRD/$DN" ; TGD="$TGD/$DN" ; \
      if [ ! -d "$TGD" ] ; then \
        CMD="mkdir \"$TGD\"; touch -r \"$SRD\" \"$TGD\""; \
        echo "$CMD"; \
        eval "$CMD"; \
      fi; \
    fi; \
    CMD="cp -a \"$SRD/$BN\" \"$TGD/\""; \
    echo "$CMD"; \
    eval "$CMD"; \
    done \

Note that it is assumed that you're exporting the contents in "current" directory (above, /media/disk/git_svn/subdir) - and the destination you're exporting into is somewhat inconveniently placed, but it is in DEST environment variable. Note that with this script; you must create the DEST directory manually yourself, before running the above script.

After the script is ran, you should be able to compare:

ls -la /media/disk/git_svn/subdir
ls -la /media/diskC/tmp/subdirB   # DEST

... and hopefully see the same timestamps (for those files that were under version control).

Hope this helps someone,

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

If you need submodules as well, this should do the trick:

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25

  • Actually, looks like it has a few small issues so it might not be ready for prime time yet. - anyone

i have the following utility function in my .bashrc file: it creates an archive of the current branch in a git repository.

function garchive()
  if [[ "x$1" == "x-h" || "x$1" == "x" ]]; then
    cat <<EOF
Usage: garchive <archive-name>
create zip archive of the current branch into <archive-name>
    local oname=$1
    set -x
    local bname=$(git branch | grep -F "*" | sed -e 's#^*##')
    git archive --format zip --output ${oname} ${bname}
    set +x

Answered   2023-09-20 20:28:25