How To Install VueJs In Laravel

    In this article, we will see how to install vue js in the laravel framework. if you are not aware of you are fresher then this post definitely help you to install vue js in your laravel applications. So,  let's start and follow the below steps for the result.

    Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building UI(user interfaces) and single-page applications. It builds on top of standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and provides a declarative and component-based programming model that helps you efficiently develop user interfaces, be it simple or complex.

    So, let's see install vue in laravel 7, laravel 8 and how to install vue js in laravel 7 and laravel 8.

    Step 1: Install Laravel 7/8

    Step 2: Install Laravel/ui

    Step 3: Install Vue JS

    Step 4: Install Node

    Step 5: Install NPM

    Step 6: Run NPM

Step 1: Install Laravel

    first of all, you need to install a fresh laravel project(if not exist) in your system to install vuejs, type the below command to install laravel

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog
Step 2: Install Laravel/ui

    After this we need to install laravel ui in this project so copy below code in your project location and run using composer command.

composer require laravel/ui
Step 3: Install Vue

    After installation of the above package, we can install vue with our application.

    We can install Vuejs in two different ways, the first one is a simple vue setup install and the second is installing vue with auth. So let's check both ways.

     1) Simple setup

php artisan ui vue

    2) Install vue with auth for default laravel login and register

php artisan ui vue --auth

    Now, We have installed vue, you can see it in your resource directory js folder as per the below screen print.



Step 4: Install Node

    You also need npm to run vuejs. So, we need to install NPM to get the proper output of vuejs. first of all download npm from the below link.

    After the installation of NPM, we need to check whether it is installed or not. So, copy the below code and run in your terminal to check.

node -v
Step 5: Install NPM

     As of now we need to install npm in our project so copy code and paste in your terminal.

npm install
Step 6: Run NPM

    Now, Run npm in your system with the below code.

npm run dev

     that's it now you are able to run vue js in your laravel application.

    I have added 2 screenshots of form output before installing npm view and after installing npm view.

    Before Install NPM

    before install npm

    After Install NPM


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