Is there a "previous sibling" selector?

Asked 2023-09-21 08:11:03 View 49,933

The plus sign selector (+) is for selecting the next adjacent sibling.

Is there an equivalent for the previous sibling?

  • you don't need it because you can do everything with the combination of the general selector plus the next sibling selector. - anyone
  • I'm not sure you can in all cases, and even if so - it's very hard to read and reason about and therefore should be added as a convenience imo - anyone
  • which combinator can use for parent selector ?, @GabrielLinassi - anyone
  • This can be achieved using: display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse; - anyone
  • This is definitely an oversight from the people who designed CSS selectors. When you have a next selector it makes sense to have a previous selector also even if the same can be achieved in some other way. I hope it is added in the future. I have been plagued by this issue on several occasions and have to use some other selector combination to achieve my goal which is not elegant. - anyone


No, there is no "previous sibling" selector.

On a related note, ~ is for general successor sibling (meaning the element comes after this one, but not necessarily immediately after) and is a CSS3 selector. + is for next sibling and is CSS2.1.

See Adjacent sibling combinator from Selectors Level 3 and 5.7 Adjacent sibling selectors from Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • From the CSS3 standard: The elements represented by the two sequences share the same parent in the document tree and the element represented by the first sequence precedes (not necessarily immediately) the element represented by the second one. - anyone
  • @Lie Ryan: Yeah, but the point cletus is making in his answer is that you don't select the preceding element. - anyone
  • Here's an example I made to see what this can, and can't, do. - anyone
  • The jquery function useful for this is prev(). For example $("#the_element").prev().css("background-color", "red") - anyone
  • There are different methods to select the previous, via simple vanilla js - anyone

I found a way to style all previous siblings (opposite of ~) that may work depending on what you need.

Let's say you have a list of links and when hovering on one, all the previous ones should turn red. You can do it like this:

/* default link color is blue */
.parent a {
  color: blue;

/* prev siblings should be red */
.parent:hover a {
  color: red;
.parent a:hover,
.parent a:hover ~ a {
  color: blue;
<div class="parent">
  <a href="#">link</a>
  <a href="#">link</a>
  <a href="#">link</a>
  <a href="#">link</a>
  <a href="#">link</a>

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • You can add an explanation of how it works. (it seems that you apply an style to all the items and to the following items but it can de described explicitly) - anyone
  • yea, but a single previous is needed most of the time NOT ALL the previous ones! - anyone
  • The links all turn red if I hover over the space between them, for me. - anyone
  • All tags turn red when hovering over the parent–but at the same time not hovering over any of the child a tags–due to the .parent:hover a style. - anyone
  • @Lynn @JoeVanLeeuwen yes, this example only includes the minimum amount of rules to target previous siblings. To remove spacing you'd need to add more rules, probably changing the display of the contender - anyone

Selectors level 4 proposes :has() (previously the subject indicator !) which will, one day, allow you to select a previous sibling with:

previous:has(+ next) {}

or (for a general previous sibling rather than adjacent one):

previous:has(~ next) {}

At the time of writing :has{} is supported by most but not all major browsers. Support is improving.

Over the years this answer has attracted dozens of "It's still not supported" comments (now deleted). Please don't add any more. There's a link to an regularly updated browser support chart in the answer.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

Consider the order property of flex and grid layouts.

I'll focus on flexbox in the examples below, but the same concepts apply to Grid.

With flexbox, a previous sibling selector can be simulated.

In particular, the flex order property can move elements around the screen.

Here's an example:

You want element A to turn red when element B is hovered.



  1. Make the ul a flex container.

    ul { display: flex; }

  1. Reverse the order of siblings in the mark-up.


  1. Use a sibling selector to target Element A (~ or + will do) .

    li:hover + li { background-color: red; }

  1. Use the flex order property to restore the order of siblings on the visual display.

    li:last-child { order: -1; }

...and voilà! A previous sibling selector is born (or at least simulated).

Here's the full code:

ul {
    display: flex;

li:hover + li {
    background-color: red;

li:last-child {
    order: -1;

/* non-essential decorative styles */
li {
    height: 200px;
    width: 200px;
    background-color: aqua;
    margin: 5px;
    list-style-type: none;
    cursor: pointer;

From the flexbox spec:

5.4. Display Order: the order property

Flex items are, by default, displayed and laid out in the same order as they appear in the source document. The order property can be used to change this ordering.

The order property controls the order in which flex items appear within the flex container, by assigning them to ordinal groups. It takes a single <integer> value, which specifies which ordinal group the flex item belongs to.

The initial order value for all flex items is 0.

Also see order in the CSS Grid Layout spec.

Examples of "previous sibling selectors" created with the flex order property.

.container { display: flex; }

.box5 { order: 1; }    
.box5:hover + .box4 { background-color: orangered; font-size: 1.5em; }

.box6 { order: -4; }
.box7 { order: -3; }
.box8 { order: -2; }
.box9 { order: -1; }
.box9:hover ~ :not(.box12):nth-child(-1n+5) { background-color: orangered;
                                              font-size: 1.5em; }
.box12 { order: 2; }
.box12:hover ~ :nth-last-child(-1n+2) { background-color: orangered;
                                        font-size: 1.5em; }
.box21 { order: 1; }
.box21:hover ~ .box { background-color: orangered; font-size: 1.5em; }

/* non-essential decorative styles */
.container {
    padding: 5px;
    background-color: #888;
.box {
    height: 50px;
    width: 75px;
    margin: 5px;
    background-color: lightgreen;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    text-align: center;
    cursor: pointer;
Using the flex <code>order</code> property to construct a previous sibling selector

<div class="container">
    <div class="box box1"><span>1</span></div>
    <div class="box box2"><span>2</span></div>
    <div class="box box3"><span>3</span></div>
    <div class="box box5"><span>HOVER ME</span></div>
    <div class="box box4"><span>4</span></div>


<div class="container">
    <div class="box box9"><span>HOVER ME</span></div>
    <div class="box box12"><span>HOVER ME</span></div>
    <div class="box box6"><span>6</span></div>
    <div class="box box7"><span>7</span></div>
    <div class="box box8"><span>8</span></div>
    <div class="box box10"><span>10</span></div>
    <div class="box box11"><span>11</span></div>


<div class="container">
    <div class="box box21"><span>HOVER ME</span></div>
    <div class="box box13"><span>13</span></div>
    <div class="box box14"><span>14</span></div>
    <div class="box box15"><span>15</span></div>
    <div class="box box16"><span>16</span></div>
    <div class="box box17"><span>17</span></div>
    <div class="box box18"><span>18</span></div>
    <div class="box box19"><span>19</span></div>
    <div class="box box20"><span>20</span></div>


A Side Note – Two Outdated Beliefs about CSS

Flexbox is shattering long-held beliefs about CSS.

One such belief is that a previous sibling selector is not possible in CSS.

To say this belief is widespread would be an understatement. Here's a sampling of related questions on Stack Overflow alone:

As described above, this belief is not entirely true. A previous sibling selector can be simulated in CSS using the flex order property.

The z-index Myth

Another long-standing belief has been that z-index works only on positioned elements.

In fact, the most current version of the spec – the W3C Editor's Draft – still asserts this to be true:

9.9.1 Specifying the stack level: the z-index property


  • Value: auto | | inherit
  • Initial: auto
  • Applies to: positioned elements
  • Inherited: no
  • Percentages: N/A
  • Media: visual
  • Computed value: as specified

(emphasis added)

In reality, however, this information is obsolete and inaccurate.

Elements that are flex items or grid items can create stacking contexts even when position is static.

4.3. Flex Item Z-Ordering

Flex items paint exactly the same as inline blocks, except that order-modified document order is used in place of raw document order, and z-index values other than auto create a stacking context even if position is static.

5.4. Z-axis Ordering: the z-index property

The painting order of grid items is exactly the same as inline blocks, except that order-modified document order is used in place of raw document order, and z-index values other than auto create a stacking context even if position is static.

Here's a demonstration of z-index working on non-positioned flex items:

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • The order property is not a solution since it is solely intended to change visual order, so it does not restore the original semantical order that you are forced to change in HTML for this workaround to work. - anyone
  • Keep in mind that the CSS2.2 ED you're citing is, in essence, still CSS2. And flexbox and grid layout don't exist in CSS2, so as far as CSS2 is concerned, that information certainly holds true. At the very least, the text could be updated to mention that z-index may apply to other types of elements in future levels of CSS, the same way that it says other properties may establish a stacking context, such as opacity. - anyone
  • @BoltClock My comment has nothing to do with browser support. The technique breaks semantics in favor of presentation. I believe a plain regular class added to previous-sibling element on server side is much more reasonable. - anyone
  • In case anyone is having trouble understanding when z-index will work, even when "omg, there's no position specified!", the specification mentions the concept of stacking context, which is explained nicely by this article on MDN - anyone
  • @Michael_B you're welcome! I've dealt with a lot of front-enders unaware of this. One other thing I'd like to mention, the faux previous sibling selector also works nicely with float: right (or any other means to reverse the ordering, of which flex/order has little (least?) side effects). Whipped up two fiddles: demonstrating the float: right approach, and demonstrating direction: rtl - anyone

I had the same question, but then I had a "duh" moment. Instead of writing

x ~ y


y ~ x

Obviously this matches "x" instead of "y", but it answers the "is there a match?" question, and simple DOM traversal may get you to the right element more efficiently than looping in javascript.

I realize that the original question was a CSS question so this answer is probably completely irrelevant, but other Javascript users may stumble on the question via search like I did.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • I believe that works when y can be found easily. Problem is if y can only be found relative to x, and in reversing it, you can't find y because you have to find x first. This is of course in reference to the question of y being preceding sibling rather than next, but may also apply for y being a following sibling. - anyone
  • You're being kind of harsh, Harsh. (sorry, couldn't resist.) The point is that sometimes you just need to know "does y exist?". Other times you can use ":before" to put something between the two elements. Finally, if you do have to drop into jQuery, using find("y ~ x").prev() is easier than many alternatives. - anyone
  • The idea of a previous sibling selector is that it will select the previous element. Unfortunately, reversing it, as described here, doesn't provide this functionality. - anyone
  • Thanks @Zenexer for the clarification that this answer doesn't provide an actual solution to the original question, I was starting to feel myself stupid thinking about how y ~ x could solve my problem - anyone
  • I understand the idea behind this answer, however the reasoning given in the answer doesn't quite make sense. The selector y ~ x doesn't answer the "is there a match?" question, because the two selectors given here mean completely different things. There is no way y ~ x could ever produce a match given the subtree <root><x/><y/></root> for example. If the question is "does y exist?" then the selector is simply y. If the question is "does y exist given a sibling x in any arbitrary position?" then you'd need both selectors. (Though maybe I'm just nitpicking at this point...) - anyone

There's not "previous selector", but you can use the combination of :not and ~ ("after selector"). No reverse order, no javascript.

.parent a{
  color: blue

  color: red

.parent a:not(.parent ~ a){
  color: red
<div class="parent">
  <a href="">link</a>
  <a href="">link</a>
  <a href="" class="active">link</a>
  <a href="">link</a>
  <a href="">link</a>

I think my approach is more straight-forward than "style all divs, than remove styling for after divs", or using javascript, or using reverse order.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • Off-note to readers: please note that this is not a previous sibling selector but rather a "general previous sibling" selector in that it will match any matching element, not just the previous one (does not take away from the solution, though, which is quite inventive). - anyone
  • I used .parent a:not(.parent ~ a,, .parent :first-child) { color: red } to color only the second child. - anyone
  • This answer is like a complicated way of doing the 2015 answer by mantish - anyone
  • Works for css tabs where the div to be displayed comes before the checked input!!! I didn't believe that someone could find such an inventive solution for the reverse order of tags: div-input as the normal order, input-div is easy to be coded!!! but still the answer about previous sibling selector remains no. - anyone

Three tricks:
basically, reversing the HTML order of your elements in HTML,
and using the ~ Next siblings operator:

1. Using CSS Flex and row-reverse

.reverse {
  display: inline-flex;
  flex-direction: row-reverse;
.reverse span:hover ~ span { /* On SPAN hover target its "previous" elements */
Hover a SPAN and see the previous elements being styled!<br>

<div class="reverse">
  <!-- Reverse the order of inner elements -->

2. Using Flex with direction: RTL

.reverse {
  display: inline-flex;
  direction: rtl;
.reverse span:hover ~ span { /* On SPAN hover target its "previous" elements */
  background: red;
Hover a SPAN and see the previous elements being styled!<br>

<div class="reverse">
  <!-- Reverse the order of inner elements -->

3. Using float right

.reverse { 
  display: inline-block;
.reverse span{
  float: right; 
.reverse span:hover ~ span { /* On SPAN hover target its "previous" elements */
  background: red;
Hover a SPAN and see the previous elements being styled!<br>

<div class="reverse">
  <!-- Reverse the order of inner elements -->

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

+ is for the next sibling. Is there an equivalent for the previous sibling?

You can use the two axe selectors: ! and ?

There are 2 subsequent sibling selectors in conventional CSS:

  • + is the immediate subsequent sibling selector
  • ~ is the any subsequent sibling selector

In conventional CSS, there is no previous sibling selector.

However, in the axe CSS post-processor library, there are 2 previous sibling selectors:

  • ? is the immediate previous sibling selector (opposite of +)
  • ! is the any previous sibling selector (opposite of ~)

Working Example:

In the example below:

  • .any-subsequent:hover ~ div selects any subsequent div
  • .immediate-subsequent:hover + div selects the immediate subsequent div
  • .any-previous:hover ! div selects any previous div
  • .immediate-previous:hover ? div selects the immediate previous div

div {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 60px;
  height: 100px;
  color: rgb(255, 255, 255);
  background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);
  text-align: center;
  vertical-align: top;
  cursor: pointer;
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 0.6s ease-out;

code {
  display: block;
  margin: 4px;
  font-size: 24px;
  line-height: 24px;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

div:nth-of-type(-n+4) {
  background-color: rgb(0, 0, 255);

div:nth-of-type(n+3):nth-of-type(-n+6) {
  opacity: 1;

.any-subsequent:hover ~ div,
.immediate-subsequent:hover + div,
.any-previous:hover ! div,
.immediate-previous:hover ? div {
  opacity: 1;
<h2>Hover over any of the blocks below</h2>


<div class="immediate-previous">Hover for <code>?</code> selector</div>
<div class="any-previous">Hover for <code>!</code> selector</div>
<div class="any-subsequent">Hover for <code>~</code> selector</div>
<div class="immediate-subsequent">Hover for <code>+</code> selector</div>


<script src=""></script>

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • This give me a syntax error when I try to implement it on sass inside a rails project. - anyone
  • axe is a CSS post-processor. It does not use the same syntax as CSS pre-processors such as Sass, Less or Stylus. - anyone
  • @Rounin would you mind adding some documentation links ? I cannot find axe post-processor. - anyone
  • @Dionys - Thanks for your interest. axe is a project I started in late 2016, when I didn't know ES2015 and even objects in JS were very new to me. The GitHub repository is here: . I very much mean to return to this at some point (I've also developed something called axe-blades which are the CSS equivalent of javascript events), but I need to complete my work on another project (codenamed ashiva) first. - anyone

Another flexbox solution

You can use inverse the order of elements in HTML. Then besides using order as in Michael_B's answer you can use flex-direction: row-reverse; or flex-direction: column-reverse; depending on your layout.

Working sample:

.flex {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row-reverse;
   /* Align content at the "reversed" end i.e. beginning */
  justify-content: flex-end;

/* On hover target its "previous" elements */
.flex-item:hover ~ .flex-item {
  background-color: lime;

/* styles just for demo */
.flex-item {
  background-color: orange;
  color: white;
  padding: 20px;
  font-size: 3rem;
  border-radius: 50%;
<div class="flex">
  <div class="flex-item">5</div>
  <div class="flex-item">4</div>
  <div class="flex-item">3</div>
  <div class="flex-item">2</div>
  <div class="flex-item">1</div>

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

There is no official way to do that at the moment but you can use a little trick to achieve this ! Remember that it is experimental and it has some limitation ... (check this link if you worries about navigator compatibility )

What you can do is use a CSS3 selector : the pseudo classe called nth-child()

#list>* {
  display: inline-block;
  padding: 20px 28px;
  margin-right: 5px;
  border: 1px solid #bbb;
  background: #ddd;
  color: #444;
  margin: 0.4em 0;

#list :nth-child(-n+4) {
  color: #600b90;
  border: 1px dashed red;
  background: orange;
<p>The oranges elements are the previous sibling li selected using li:nth-child(-n+4)</p>

<div id="list">
  <span>1</span><!-- this will be selected -->
  <p>2</p><!-- this will be selected -->
  <p>3</p><!-- this will be selected -->
  <div>4</div><!-- this will be selected -->


  • You can't select previous elements based on the classes of the next elements
  • This is the same for pseudo classes

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • Why do they have to be the same node? Why not just use :nth-child(-n+4)? - anyone
  • @Ian because the :nth-child(-n+4) is a pseudo class that needs to be apply to a selector in order to work properly. If you are not convince, try to experiment it using a fork of my fiddle and you'll see that it doesn't wok - anyone
  • Actually, you can go node-type independent using the * selector, but it's obnoxiously bad practice. - anyone
  • Actually, it does work for different nodes: Please update your answer :) - anyone
  • I had a complex selector, but let's say it's li#someListItem and I wanted the node(s) right before it (which is how I interpret "previous") - I don't see how the information you provided can help me express that through CSS. You're just selecting the first n siblings, and assume I know the n. Based on this logic, any selector might do the trick and select the element(s) I need (such as :not() ). - anyone

You could use double negation


Replace SELECTOR with either the TAG or .CLASS ( Using #ID is probably too specific ). Replace FILTER with some other :PSUEDO-SELECTOR (I've only tried :hover) or .CLASS (More for toggling through Javascript).

Since the typical usage will probably rely upon hovering (See example that follows)

/* Effect only limited when hovering */
TAG.CLASS:not(TAG.CLASS:hover):not(TAG.CLASS:hover + TAG.CLASS) {}
/* Effect only applied when hovering */

/* Solution */
div.parent:hover > div.child:not(:hover):not(:hover ~ .child)  {
div.parent:hover > div.child:not(:hover):not(:hover ~ .child) > div {

/* Make pretty (kinda) */
div.parent {
  /* Layout */
  grid-template-columns : auto auto auto;
  grid-template-rows : auto auto auto;
div.child {
  /* Dimensions */
  /* Layout */
  /* Cursor */
  cursor: pointer;
  /* Presentation */
  border: 1px black solid;
.star {
  /* Dimensions */
  width: 2.5em;
  height: 2.5em;
  /* Placement */
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  /* Geometry */
  -webkit-clip-path: polygon(
    50% 0%,
    63% 38%,
    100% 38%,
    69% 59%,
    82% 100%,
    50% 75%,
    18% 100%,
    31% 59%,
    0% 38%,
    37% 38%
  clip-path: polygon(
    50% 0%,
    63% 38%,
    100% 38%,
    69% 59%,
    82% 100%,
    50% 75%,
    18% 100%,
    31% 59%,
    0% 38%,
    37% 38%
  /* Presentation */
  background-color: lightgrey;
div.child:hover {
    /* Presentation */
div.child:hover > {
    /* Presentation */
<div class="parent">
  <div class="child" href="#"><div class="star"></div></div>
  <div class="child" href="#"><div class="star"></div></div>
  <div class="child" href="#"><div class="star"></div></div>
  <div class="child" href="#"><div class="star"></div></div>
  <div class="child" href="#"><div class="star"></div></div>
  <div class="child" href="#"><div class="star"></div></div>
  <div class="child" href="#"><div class="star"></div></div>
  <div class="child" href="#"><div class="star"></div></div>
  <div class="child" href="#"><div class="star"></div></div>

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

Overriding the styles of next siblings on hover, so that it looks like only previous siblings have styles added on hover.

ul li {
  color: red;

ul:hover li {
  color: blue;

ul:hover li:hover ~ li{
  color: red;
    <li>item 1</li>
    <li>item 2</li>
    <li>item 3</li>

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

My requirement was to select currently hovered item's previous and next two siblings with the help of @Quentin 's answer I selected previous siblings.

  width: 25px;
  height: 25px;

.child:hover {

 .child:has( + .child:hover) {
  background: yellow;

.child:has(+ .child + .child:hover){

.child:hover + .child {
  background: red;

.child:hover + .child + .child {
  background: magenta;
<ul class="parent">
  <li class="child"></li>
  <li class="child"></li>
  <li class="child"></li>
  <li class="child"></li>
  <li class="child"></li>
  <li class="child"></li>

To select all previous siblings

.child {
    width: 25px;
    height: 25px;

.child:hover {
    background: blue;

.child:has(~ .child:hover) {
    background: red;
<ul class="parent">
  <li class="child"></li>
  <li class="child"></li>
  <li class="child"></li>
  <li class="child"></li>
  <li class="child"></li>
  <li class="child"></li>

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • This actually works to select only the next previous sibling, and not all of them. - anyone

Things have changed in 2023. Now there is such selector:

    // 1 item before
    :has(+ .item:hover) {

If you want to select 3 items before, you do something like:

    // 3 items before
    :has(+ .item:hover),
    :has(+ .item + .item:hover),
    :has(+ .item + .item + .item:hover) {

See my demo here

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • You can also use item:has(~ item:hover) to change ALL previous siblings before the currently hovered element. - anyone

If you know the exact position an :nth-child()-based exclusion of all following siblings would work.

ul li:not(:nth-child(n+3))

Which would select all lis before the 3rd (e.g. 1st and 2nd). But, in my opinion this looks ugly and has a very tight usecase.

You also could select the nth-child right-to-left:

ul li:nth-child(-n+2)

Which does the same.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

No. It is not possible via CSS. It takes the "Cascade" to heart ;-).

However, if you are able to add JavaScript to your page, a little bit of jQuery could get you to your end goal.
You can use jQuery's find to perform a "look-ahead" on your target element/class/id, then backtrack to select your target.
Then you use jQuery to re-write the DOM (CSS) for your element.

Based on this answer by Mike Brant, the following jQuery snippet could help.

$('p + ul').prev('p')

This first selects all <ul>s that immediately follow a <p>.
Then it "backtracks" to select all the previous <p>s from that set of <ul>s.

Effectively, "previous sibling" has been selected via jQuery.
Now, use the .css function to pass in your CSS new values for that element.

In my case I was looking to find a way to select a DIV with the id #full-width, but ONLY if it had a (indirect) descendant DIV with the class of .companies.

I had control of all the HTML under .companies, but could not alter any of the HTML above it.
And the cascade goes only 1 direction: down.

Thus I could select ALL #full-widths.
Or I could select .companies that only followed a #full-width.
But I could not select only #full-widths that proceeded .companies.

And, again, I was unable to add .companies any higher up in the HTML. That part of the HTML was written externally, and wrapped our code.

But with jQuery, I can select the required #full-widths, then assign the appropriate style:

$("#full-width").find(".companies").parents("#full-width").css( "width", "300px" );

This finds all #full-width .companies, and selects just those .companies, similar to how selectors are used to target specific elements in standard in CSS.
Then it uses .parents to "backtrack" and select ALL parents of .companies,
but filters those results to keep only #fill-width elements, so that in the end,
it only selects a #full-width element if it has a .companies class descendant.
Finally, it assigns a new CSS (width) value to the resulting element.

$(".parent").find(".change-parent").parents(".parent").css( "background-color", "darkred");
div {
  background-color: lightblue;
  width: 120px;
  height: 40px;
  border: 1px solid gray;
  padding: 5px;
.wrapper {
  background-color: blue;
  width: 250px;
  height: 165px;
.parent {
  background-color: green;
  width: 200px;
  height: 70px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="wrapper">

  <div class="parent">
    "parent" turns red
    <div class="change-parent">
    descendant: "change-parent"
  <div class="parent">
    "parent" stays green
    <div class="nope">
    descendant: "nope"
Target <b>"<span style="color:darkgreen">parent</span>"</b> to turn <span style="color:red">red</span>.<br>
<b>Only</b> if it <b>has</b> a descendant of "change-parent".<br>
(reverse cascade, look ahead, parent un-descendant)

jQuery Reference Docs:
$() or jQuery(): DOM element.
.find: Get the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements, filtered by a selector, jQuery object, or element.
.parents: Get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in the set of matched elements. If a selector is provided, it retrieves the previous sibling only if it matches that selector (filters the results to only include the listed elements/selectors).
.css: Set one or more CSS properties for the set of matched elements.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • This has nothing to do with the question. Of course it's possible using JS and you don't even need jQuery for this (previousElementSibling). - anyone
  • @FabianvonEllerts I answered OP's question directly in the first line of my response. As my answer states, it is literally not possible via CSS. I then provided 1 possible path forward to achieve the goal, using a technology (JS | JQuery) that users of CSS might be familiar with and have access to. For example, many WordPress sites also have JQuery, so it is an easy entry point: easy to use, remember, and expand upon. It'd be irresponsible to simply answer NO, without providing an alternate way to accomplish the goal. I shared what I learned and used when I had the same question. - anyone
  • previousElementSibling() for those more familiar with native JS DOM functions could provide another non-CSS path forward. - anyone
  • I found the other CSS HACKS very interesting, but for my particular use case they either did not work (fell into the caveats category), or were too convoluted. For others that fall into the same circumstance, it is fair to share this easy-to-use method that can work, where the above solutions fail, or would be too difficult to implement/maintain. Many CSS HACKS were shared. This work around was not covered. NONE of the answers use the + (non-existent) selector that the OP specifically asked for. Consider this answer a JS "hack". It's here to save someone else time I spent to find a solution. - anyone
  • "It takes the "Cascade" to heart ;-)." Well said. You could probably have stopped right there. ;^D - anyone

Depending on your exact objective, there is a way to achieve the usefulness of a parent selector without using one (even if one were to exist)...

Say we have:

      <li><a>White socks</a></li>
      <li><a>Blue socks</a></li>

What can we do to make the Socks block (including sock colours) stand out visually using spacing?

What would be nice but doesn't exist:

ul li ul:parent {
  margin-top: 15px;
  margin-bottom: 15px;

What does exist:

li > a {
  margin-top: 15px;
  display: block;
li > a:only-child {
  margin-top: 0px;

This sets all anchor links to have 15px margin on the top and resets it back to 0 for those with no UL elements (or other tags) inside LIs.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

/* Add a style to all the children, then undo the style to the target 
and sibling children of your target. */

ul>li {
  color: red;

ul> {
  color: inherit;
  <li class="target">target</li>

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • I think is somewhat the same approach, but this one uses inherit for the other elements which might help keep the focus on the question's literal ask of equivalence for previous sibling - anyone

I've found the easiest solution. It might only apply based on what you're doing.

Let's say you want to hover on "sibling_2" to change "sibling_1" in the example below:

<div class='parent'>
  <div class='sibling_1'></div>
  <div class='sibling_2'></div>

Since there's no previous element selector you can simply switch 'sibling_1' and 'sibling_2' around and apply so they look the same.

.parent {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row-reverse;

Now you can select them like that.

.sibling_1:hover ~ .sibling_2 {
  #your CSS

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

There is no "previous" sibling selector unfortunately, but you can possibly still get the same effect by using positioning (e.g. float right). It depends on what you are trying to do.

In my case, I wanted a primarily CSS 5-star rating system. I would need to color (or swap the icon of) the previous stars. By floating each element right, I am essentially getting the same effect (the html for the stars thus must be written 'backwards').

I'm using FontAwesome in this example and swapping between the unicodes of fa-star-o and fa-star


.fa {
    display: inline-block;
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 1;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

/* set all stars to 'empty star' */
.stars-container {
    display: inline-block;      

/* set all stars to 'empty star' */
.stars-container .star {
    float: right;
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 2px;
    color: orange;
    cursor: pointer;


.stars-container .star:before {
    content: "\f006"; /* fontAwesome empty star code */

/* set hovered star to 'filled star' */
    content: "\f005"; /* fontAwesome filled star code */

/* set all stars after hovered to'filled star' 
** it will appear that it selects all after due to positioning */
.star:hover ~ .star:before {
    content: "\f005"; /* fontAwesome filled star code */

HTML: (40)


Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • float right and + or ~ selectors strikes me as the cleanest work around. - anyone

There isn't, and there is.

If you must place the label before the input, just place the label after the input and keep both the label & the input inside a div, and style the div as following :

.input-box {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column-reverse;
<div class="input-box">

   <label for="email" class="form-item-header">                  

Now you can apply the standard next sibling styling options available in css, and it will appear like you are using a previous sibling styling.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

You can use :has() as following.

.thePrevious:has(+ .theNextSibling)

I used this for fixing overlapping bootstrap modals as follows. Any previous modals will be hidden if there are multiple.{
   opacity: 0;

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

There is actually no selector that can select the previous sibling in css. But it is possible to use certain tricks. For example, if you want to change the style of the previous element when you hover over any element, you can use this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    .element:has(+ .next-element:hover){
      /* here your style for .element */
  <div class="container">
    <div class="element"></div>
    <div class="next-element"></div>

In this situation if you hover over .next-element the style of .element will change as you defined above

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

I needed a solution to select the previous sibling tr. I came up with this solution using React and Styled-components. This is not my exact solution (This is from memory, hours later). I know there is a flaw in the setHighlighterRow function.

OnMouseOver a row will set the row index to state, and rerender the previous row with a new background color

class ReactClass extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
       highlightRowIndex: null

  setHighlightedRow = (index) => {
    const highlightRowIndex = index === null ? null : index - 1;

  render() {
    return (
           {, index) => {
                const isHighlighted = index === this.state.highlightRowIndex
                return {
                        onMouseOver={() => this.setHighlightedRow(index)}
                        onMouseOut={() => this.setHighlightedRow(null)}

const Trow =`
    & td {
        background-color: ${p => p.isHighlighted ? 'red' : 'white'};

    &:hover {
        background-color: red;

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

There is no such selector, but in the DOM API has a pretty read-only property


Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

I fixed this problem by putting my elements in a flexbox and then using flex-direction: column-reverse.

Then I had to invert my elements in the HTML manually (put them in reverse order), and it looked normal and it worked!

<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse">
  <a class="element2">Element 2</a>
  <a class="element1">Element 1</a>
  .element2:hover + element1 {

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

I had a similar problem and found out that all problem of this nature can be solved as follows:

  1. give all your items a style.
  2. give your selected item a style.
  3. give next items a style using + or ~.

and this way you'll be able to style your current, previous items(all items overridden with current and next items) and your next items.


/* all items (will be styled as previous) */
li {
  color: blue;

/* the item i want to distinguish */
li.milk {
  color: red;

/* next items */
li ~ li  {
  color: green;

  <li class="milk">Milk</li>

Hope it helps someone.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • it's basically the same trick as in older answer from the same thread: - anyone
  • But this one bothers to explain what it's doing, unlike the other one. - anyone
  • @Teepeemm, I agree. I saw that answer, and I skipped over it because there was no good explanation. It was just "look what I did and copy me!" - anyone

here is the link for a similar question

CSS select all previous siblings for a star rating

So I post my solution using bits of everyones responses and anyone can use it as reference and possibliy recommend improvements.

// Just to check input value
// Consts
const starRadios = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="rating"]');

// EventListeners
starRadios.forEach((radio) => radio.addEventListener('change', getStarRadioValue));

// Get star radio value
function getStarRadioValue(event) { 
    // Do something with it
.star-rating {
  font-size: 1.5rem;
  unicode-bidi: bidi-override;
  direction: rtl;
  text-align: left;
.star-rating.editable label:hover {
  cursor: pointer;
.star-rating.editable .icon-star:hover,
.star-rating.editable .icon-star:hover ~ .icon-star {
  background-color: #fb2727 !important;

.icon-star {
  position: relative;
  background-color: #72747d;
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
  display: inline-block;
  transition: background-color 0.3s ease;
.icon-star.filled {
  background-color: #fb2727;

.icon-star > label {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  position: absolute;

.icon-star > label > input[type="radio"] {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  transform: translateY(50%) translateX(50%);
  display: none;
<div class="star-rating editable">
  <span class="icon-star">
      <input type="radio" name="rating"  value="5" />
  <span class="icon-star">
      <input type="radio" name="rating" value="4" />
  <span class="icon-star">
      <input type="radio" name="rating" value="3" />
  <span class="icon-star">
      <input type="radio" name="rating" value="2" />
  <span class="icon-star">
      <input type="radio" name="rating"  value="1" />

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

For my use case was needed to change previous element style on focus and hover only having 2 items in parent element. to do so used :focus-within and :hover pseudo-classes.

like so selecting whenever focus/hover event occurs

.root-element:hover .element-to-style { background-color: red;} 
.root-element:focus-within .element-to-style { background-color: green;} 
<div class="root-element">
<span class="element-to-style"> TextFocused</span>
<input type="text" placeholder="type To Style"/>


Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03

  • This answer for me is not working! - anyone
  • This is not really a previous sibling selection situation. - anyone

Here's my working solution using only CSS for gold stars (SCSS specifically in this case)

  • I have 5 initially grey stars inside a container div
  • On hover of the container div, I make all the stars gold
  • On hover over the specific star, I make all successor sibling divs grey

Below is svelte code (but can easily be converted into HTML)

<button id="review">
        <div id="star-container">
          <div><Fa icon="{faStar}" /></div>
          <div><Fa icon="{faStar}" /></div>
          <div><Fa icon="{faStar}" /></div>
          <div><Fa icon="{faStar}" /></div>
          <div><Fa icon="{faStar}" /></div>

<style lang="scss">
  #review {
    color: $cool-gray;
    #star-container {
      display: flex;
      &:hover {
        color: $custom-gold;
      div {
        &:hover ~ div {
          color: $cool-gray;

Answered   2023-09-21 08:11:03