How do I parse a string to a float or int?

Asked 2023-09-20 20:25:43 View 809,770
  • How can I convert a str to float?
    "545.2222"  →  545.2222
  • How can I convert a str to int?
    "31"        →  31

For the reverse, see Convert integer to string in Python and Converting a float to a string without rounding it.

Please instead use How can I read inputs as numbers? to close duplicate questions where OP received a string from user input and immediately wants to convert it, or was hoping for input (in 3.x) to convert the type automatically.

  • As a general rule, if you have an object in Python, and want to convert to that type of object, call type(my_object) on it. The result can usually be called as a function to do the conversion. For instance type(100) results in int, so you can call int(my_object) to try convert my_object to an integer. This doesn't always work, but is a good "first guess" when coding. - anyone
  • Also make sure the string is actually can be converted to float, one way of doing that is to write a custom function with a try/except block, that checks for return float(str_value) inside try scope. - anyone


>>> a = "545.2222"
>>> float(a)
>>> int(float(a))

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • just wondering why there is '04' in the end? why not simply '00'? also my current version of python is not having '04'. - anyone
  • @MangatRaiModi Floating point numbers are inherently imperfect for representing decimals. For more, see - anyone
  • why not simply int(a) but int(float(a)) ? - anyone
  • int(a) will give an error that the string isn't a valid integer: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '545.222', but converting from a float to an int is a supported conversion. - anyone
  • You should handle ValueError if you want to be safe - anyone

Python2 method to check if a string is a float:

def is_float(value):
  if value is None:
      return False
      return True
      return False

For the Python3 version of is_float see: Checking if a string can be converted to float in Python

A longer and more accurate name for this function could be: is_convertible_to_float(value)

What is, and is not a float in Python may surprise you:

The below unit tests were done using python2. Check it that Python3 has different behavior for what strings are convertable to float. One confounding difference is that any number of interior underscores are now allowed: (float("1_3.4") == float(13.4)) is True

val                   is_float(val) Note
--------------------  ----------   --------------------------------
""                    False        Blank string
"127"                 True         Passed string
True                  True         Pure sweet Truth
"True"                False        Vile contemptible lie
False                 True         So false it becomes true
"123.456"             True         Decimal
"      -127    "      True         Spaces trimmed
"\t\n12\r\n"          True         whitespace ignored
"NaN"                 True         Not a number
"NaNanananaBATMAN"    False        I am Batman
"-iNF"                True         Negative infinity
"123.E4"              True         Exponential notation
".1"                  True         mantissa only
"1_2_3.4"             False        Underscores not allowed
"12 34"               False        Spaces not allowed on interior
"1,234"               False        Commas gtfo
u'\x30'               True         Unicode is fine.
"NULL"                False        Null is not special
0x3fade               True         Hexadecimal
"6e7777777777777"     True         Shrunk to infinity
"1.797693e+308"       True         This is max value
"infinity"            True         Same as inf
"infinityandBEYOND"   False        Extra characters wreck it
"12.34.56"            False        Only one dot allowed
u'四'                 False        Japanese '4' is not a float.
"#56"                 False        Pound sign
"56%"                 False        Percent of what?
"0E0"                 True         Exponential, move dot 0 places
0**0                  True         0___0  Exponentiation
"-5e-5"               True         Raise to a negative number
"+1e1"                True         Plus is OK with exponent
"+1e1^5"              False        Fancy exponent not interpreted
"+1e1.3"              False        No decimals in exponent
"-+1"                 False        Make up your mind
"(1)"                 False        Parenthesis is bad

You think you know what numbers are? You are not so good as you think! Not big surprise.

Don't use this code on life-critical software!

Catching broad exceptions this way, killing canaries and gobbling the exception creates a tiny chance that a valid float as string will return false. The float(...) line of code can failed for any of a thousand reasons that have nothing to do with the contents of the string. But if you're writing life-critical software in a duck-typing prototype language like Python, then you've got much larger problems.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • So true becomes 1, that is I inherited from C++ i think - anyone
  • I posted this answer in 2014. That UTF-8 glyph for a Chinese 4 has been transforming over the years depending on how stackoverflow developers change up their character encoding scheme upon their microsoft toolstack. It's a curiosity to see it flip flop over the years as new conversion schemes assert their new ideologies. But yes, Any UTF-8 glyph for a Eastern oriental numeric is not a Python float. Bazinga. - anyone
  • how can this be so upvoted, with such a broad exception? - anyone
  • Everything with spaces in between cannot be converted, like "- 12.3" and "45 e6" - anyone
  • This except clause should be restricted to TypeError, ValueError - anyone
def num(s):
        return int(s)
    except ValueError:
        return float(s)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • implicit mixing floats/ints might lead to subtle bugs due to possible loss of precision when working with floats or to different results for / operator on floats/ints. Depending on context it might be preferable to return either int or float, not both. - anyone
  • @J.F.Sebastian You are completely correct, but there are times when you want the input to dictate which one it will be. Letting the input dictate which one can work nicely with duck-typing. - anyone
  • You can nest another try to throw an exception when it's not convertible to float. - anyone
  • Fails with s = u'\u0000' - anyone
  • @iBug Good idea! I recommend throwing ValueError in the corresponding except :P - anyone

This is another method which deserves to be mentioned here, ast.literal_eval:

This can be used for safely evaluating strings containing Python expressions from untrusted sources without the need to parse the values oneself.

That is, a safe 'eval'

>>> import ast
>>> ast.literal_eval("545.2222")
>>> ast.literal_eval("31")

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • this is not a good solution to the problem. It works fine in Python 2, but the following happens in Python 3: python >>> import ast >>> ast.literal_eval('1-800-555-1212') -2566 >>> To clarify why this is a problem, if you want it to leave phone numbers alone and not assume they are mathematical expressions, then this approach is not for you. - anyone
  • @royce3 Yeah, that's a good point and users should beware. The behaviour was originally modified in order to address some issues with parsing of complex literals. It's arguably a bug in ast.literal_eval, and has been discussed here. - anyone
  • @royce3 For the record, ast will not literal eval that phone number to -2566 anymore in Python 3. It's in the Python 3.7 changelog: ast.literal_eval() is now stricter. Addition and subtraction of arbitrary numbers are no longer allowed. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in bpo-31778) - anyone
  • Caution: ast.literal_eval does not seem to work for numeric inputs (raising ValueError: malformed node or string: 0). - anyone

Localization and commas

You should consider the possibility of commas in the string representation of a number, for cases like float("545,545.2222") which throws an exception. Instead, use methods in locale to convert the strings to numbers and interpret commas correctly. The locale.atof method converts to a float in one step once the locale has been set for the desired number convention.

Example 1 -- United States number conventions

In the United States and the UK, commas can be used as a thousands separator. In this example with American locale, the comma is handled properly as a separator:

>>> import locale
>>> a = u'545,545.2222'
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')
>>> locale.atof(a)
>>> int(locale.atof(a))

Example 2 -- European number conventions

In the majority of countries of the world, commas are used for decimal marks instead of periods. In this example with French locale, the comma is correctly handled as a decimal mark:

>>> import locale
>>> b = u'545,2222'
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'fr_FR')
>>> locale.atof(b)

The method locale.atoi is also available, but the argument should be an integer.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • This seems like an ideal solution when you know if a float or int should be returned, but how can you get this to return an int only if an int was passed? For example, x = '1'; locale.atof(x) returns 1.0 when I actually want 1. - anyone
  • Using Dino's method, I guess the answer would be to use something like this: locale.atof(x) if locale.localeconv().get('decimal_point') in x else locale.atoi(x) - anyone
  • I would recommend using Javier's method above (wrapping locale.atoi in a try and using locale.atof on exception -- it's probably more readable. - anyone
  • Caution: locale.atof(my_int) will change type from int to float... - anyone
float(x) if '.' in x else int(x)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • Nitpick: doesn't work for extreme cases like float("2e-3") - anyone
  • Note : be careful when dealing with money amount passed as strings, as some countries use "," as decimal separators - anyone
  • @Emile: I wouldn't call "2e-3" an "extreme case". This answer is just broken. - anyone
  • @BenG DON'T manipulate money as a float. That's asking for trouble. Use decimal for money! (But your comment about ',' is still valid and important) - anyone
  • Easily breakable by an IP address -; or "This is not a good approach. :)" - anyone

If you aren't averse to third-party modules, you could check out the fastnumbers module. It provides a function called fast_real that does exactly what this question is asking for and does it faster than a pure-Python implementation:

>>> from fastnumbers import fast_real
>>> fast_real("545.2222")
>>> type(fast_real("545.2222"))
>>> fast_real("31")
>>> type(fast_real("31"))

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

In Python, how can I parse a numeric string like "545.2222" to its corresponding float value, 542.2222? Or parse the string "31" to an integer, 31? I just want to know how to parse a float string to a float, and (separately) an int string to an int.

It's good that you ask to do these separately. If you're mixing them, you may be setting yourself up for problems later. The simple answer is:

"545.2222" to float:

>>> float("545.2222")

"31" to an integer:

>>> int("31")

Other conversions, ints to and from strings and literals:

Conversions from various bases, and you should know the base in advance (10 is the default). Note you can prefix them with what Python expects for its literals (see below) or remove the prefix:

>>> int("0b11111", 2)
>>> int("11111", 2)
>>> int('0o37', 8)
>>> int('37', 8)
>>> int('0x1f', 16)
>>> int('1f', 16)

If you don't know the base in advance, but you do know they will have the correct prefix, Python can infer this for you if you pass 0 as the base:

>>> int("0b11111", 0)
>>> int('0o37', 0)
>>> int('0x1f', 0)

Non-Decimal (i.e. Integer) Literals from other Bases

If your motivation is to have your own code clearly represent hard-coded specific values, however, you may not need to convert from the bases - you can let Python do it for you automatically with the correct syntax.

You can use the apropos prefixes to get automatic conversion to integers with the following literals. These are valid for Python 2 and 3:

Binary, prefix 0b

>>> 0b11111

Octal, prefix 0o

>>> 0o37

Hexadecimal, prefix 0x

>>> 0x1f

This can be useful when describing binary flags, file permissions in code, or hex values for colors - for example, note no quotes:

>>> 0b10101 # binary flags
>>> 0o755 # read, write, execute perms for owner, read & ex for group & others
>>> 0xffffff # the color, white, max values for red, green, and blue

Making ambiguous Python 2 octals compatible with Python 3

If you see an integer that starts with a 0, in Python 2, this is (deprecated) octal syntax.

>>> 037

It is bad because it looks like the value should be 37. So in Python 3, it now raises a SyntaxError:

>>> 037
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid token

Convert your Python 2 octals to octals that work in both 2 and 3 with the 0o prefix:

>>> 0o37

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

Users codelogic and harley are correct, but keep in mind if you know the string is an integer (for example, 545) you can call int("545") without first casting to float.

If your strings are in a list, you could use the map function as well.

>>> x = ["545.0", "545.6", "999.2"]
>>> map(float, x)
[545.0, 545.60000000000002, 999.20000000000005]

It is only good if they're all the same type.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

The question seems a little bit old. But let me suggest a function, parseStr, which makes something similar, that is, returns integer or float and if a given ASCII string cannot be converted to none of them it returns it untouched. The code of course might be adjusted to do only what you want:

   >>> import string
   >>> parseStr = lambda x: x.isalpha() and x or x.isdigit() and \
   ...                      int(x) or x.isalnum() and x or \
   ...                      len(set(string.punctuation).intersection(x)) == 1 and \
   ...                      x.count('.') == 1 and float(x) or x
   >>> parseStr('123')
   >>> parseStr('123.3')
   >>> parseStr('3HC1')
   >>> parseStr('12.e5')
   >>> parseStr('12$5')
   >>> parseStr('12.2.2')

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • 1e3 is a number in python, but a string according to your code. - anyone
  • I prefer this answer. - anyone

float("545.2222") and int(float("545.2222"))

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • This will give you a float object if your string happens to be "0" or "0.0", rather than the int it gives for other valid numbers. - anyone

The YAML parser can help you figure out what datatype your string is. Use yaml.load(), and then you can use type(result) to test for type:

>>> import yaml

>>> a = "545.2222"
>>> result = yaml.load(a)
>>> result
>>> type(result)
<type 'float'>

>>> b = "31"
>>> result = yaml.load(b)
>>> result
>>> type(result)
<type 'int'>

>>> c = "HI"
>>> result = yaml.load(c)
>>> result
>>> type(result)
<type 'str'>

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • This is a great answer (or json or whatever your favorite is): we all recognize that proper conversion is non-trivial. So find a widely adopted library that manages this for you. :) - anyone
  • JSON can work great but will just raise a TypeError if a string is passed, so needs some custom handling or pre-checks to avoid some attempts. Like I some regexp: - anyone

I use this function for that

import ast

def parse_str(s):
      return ast.literal_eval(str(s))

It will convert the string to its type

value = parse_str('1')  # Returns Integer
value = parse_str('1.5')  # Returns Float

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • Please be noted that parse_str(' 1') (with a space) will return None, not 1. - anyone
def get_int_or_float(v):
    number_as_float = float(v)
    number_as_int = int(number_as_float)
    return number_as_int if number_as_float == number_as_int else number_as_float

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • Why would you raise in your except section if you are doing nothing there? float() would raise for you. - anyone
  • you are right I guess I copied and paste from a functionality that I was raising a particular exception. will edit. thanks - anyone
  • This will try to parse a string and return either int or float depending on what the string represents. It might rise parsing exceptions or [have some unexpected behaviour][1]. - anyone

You could use json.loads:

>>> import json
>>> json.loads('123.456')
>>> type(_)
<class 'float'>

As you can see it becomes a type of float.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

def num(s):
    num('3')-->3, num('3.7')-->3.7
    num('3e4') --> 30000.0
        return int(s)
    except ValueError:
            return float(s)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('argument is not a string of number')

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

You need to take into account rounding to do this properly.

i.e. - int(5.1) => 5 int(5.6) => 5 -- wrong, should be 6 so we do int(5.6 + 0.5) => 6

def convert(n):
        return int(n)
    except ValueError:
        return float(n + 0.5)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • Good point. That causes inflation, though, so Python 3 and other modern languages use banker's rounding. - anyone
  • This answer is wrong (as originally written). It muddles the two cases of int and float. And it will give an exception, when n is a string, as OP desired. Maybe you meant: When an int result is desired, round should be done AFTER conversion to float. If the function should ALWAYS return an int, then you don't need the except part -- the entire function body can be int(round(float(input))). If the function should return an int if possible, otherwise a float, then javier's original solution is correct! - anyone
  • ValueError: could not convert string to float - anyone

There is also regex, because sometimes string must be prepared and normalized before casting to a number:

import re

def parseNumber(value, as_int=False):
        number = float(re.sub('[^.\-\d]', '', value))
        if as_int:
            return int(number + 0.5)
            return number
    except ValueError:
        return float('nan')  # or None if you wish


> 13345.0

parseNumber('- 123 000')
> -123000.0

> 99999.0

And by the way, something to verify you have a number:

import numbers
def is_number(value):
    return isinstance(value, numbers.Number)
    # Will work with int, float, long, Decimal

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

To typecast in Python use the constructor functions of the type, passing the string (or whatever value you are trying to cast) as a parameter.

For example:


Behind the scenes, Python is calling the objects __float__ method, which should return a float representation of the parameter. This is especially powerful, as you can define your own types (using classes) with a __float__ method so that it can be casted into a float using float(myobject).

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

Handles hex, octal, binary, decimal, and float

This solution will handle all of the string conventions for numbers (all that I know about).

def to_number(n):
    ''' Convert any number representation to a number
    This covers: float, decimal, hex, and octal numbers.

        return int(str(n), 0)
            # Python 3 doesn't accept "010" as a valid octal.  You must use the
            # '0o' prefix
            return int('0o' + n, 0)
            return float(n)

This test case output illustrates what I'm talking about.

======================== CAPTURED OUTPUT =========================
to_number(3735928559)   = 3735928559 == 3735928559
to_number("0xFEEDFACE") = 4277009102 == 4277009102
to_number("0x0")        =          0 ==          0
to_number(100)          =        100 ==        100
to_number("42")         =         42 ==         42
to_number(8)            =          8 ==          8
to_number("0o20")       =         16 ==         16
to_number("020")        =         16 ==         16
to_number(3.14)         =       3.14 ==       3.14
to_number("2.72")       =       2.72 ==       2.72
to_number("1e3")        =     1000.0 ==       1000
to_number(0.001)        =      0.001 ==      0.001
to_number("0xA")        =         10 ==         10
to_number("012")        =         10 ==         10
to_number("0o12")       =         10 ==         10
to_number("0b01010")    =         10 ==         10
to_number("10")         =         10 ==         10
to_number("10.0")       =       10.0 ==         10
to_number("1e1")        =       10.0 ==         10

Here is the test:

class test_to_number(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_hex(self):
        # All of the following should be converted to an integer
        values = [

                 #          HEX
                 # ----------------------
                 # Input     |   Expected
                 # ----------------------
                (0xDEADBEEF  , 3735928559), # Hex
                ("0xFEEDFACE", 4277009102), # Hex
                ("0x0"       ,          0), # Hex

                 #        Decimals
                 # ----------------------
                 # Input     |   Expected
                 # ----------------------
                (100         ,        100), # Decimal
                ("42"        ,         42), # Decimal

        values += [
                 #        Octals
                 # ----------------------
                 # Input     |   Expected
                 # ----------------------
                (0o10        ,          8), # Octal
                ("0o20"      ,         16), # Octal
                ("020"       ,         16), # Octal

        values += [
                 #        Floats
                 # ----------------------
                 # Input     |   Expected
                 # ----------------------
                (3.14        ,       3.14), # Float
                ("2.72"      ,       2.72), # Float
                ("1e3"       ,       1000), # Float
                (1e-3        ,      0.001), # Float

        values += [
                 #        All ints
                 # ----------------------
                 # Input     |   Expected
                 # ----------------------
                ("0xA"       ,         10),
                ("012"       ,         10),
                ("0o12"      ,         10),
                ("0b01010"   ,         10),
                ("10"        ,         10),
                ("10.0"      ,         10),
                ("1e1"       ,         10),

        for _input, expected in values:
            value = to_number(_input)

            if isinstance(_input, str):
                cmd = 'to_number("{}")'.format(_input)
                cmd = 'to_number({})'.format(_input)

            print("{:23} = {:10} == {:10}".format(cmd, value, expected))
            self.assertEqual(value, expected)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • ValueError: could not convert string to float - anyone

Pass your string to this function:

def string_to_number(str):
  if("." in str):
      res = float(str)
      res = str
    res = int(str)
    res = str

It will return int, float or string depending on what was passed.

String that is an int

<class 'int'>

String that is a float

<class 'float'>

String that is a string

<class 'str'>

String that looks like a float

<class 'str'>

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • when looking at the name string_to_number I wouldn't expect it to return a string. I would expect it to raise an Exception if the input can't be parsed - anyone
  • I don't think it's a controversial opinion that a method called string_to_number should not return a string. I downvoted because the function is either poorly named or it's behaviour is wrong. also, there is no need to be passive aggressive. We can talk this out in a professional fashion - anyone
a = int(float(a)) if int(float(a)) == float(a) else float(a)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

This is a corrected version of Totoro's answer.

This will try to parse a string and return either int or float depending on what the string represents. It might rise parsing exceptions or have some unexpected behaviour.

  def get_int_or_float(v):
        number_as_float = float(v)
        number_as_int = int(number_as_float)
        return number_as_int if number_as_float == number_as_int else

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

If you are dealing with mixed integers and floats and want a consistent way to deal with your mixed data, here is my solution with the proper docstring:

def parse_num(candidate):
    """Parse string to number if possible
    It work equally well with negative and positive numbers, integers and floats.

        candidate (str): string to convert

        float | int | None: float or int if possible otherwise None
        float_value = float(candidate)
    except ValueError:
        return None

    # Optional part if you prefer int to float when decimal part is 0
    if float_value.is_integer():
        return int(float_value)
    # end of the optional part

    return float_value

# Test
candidates = ['34.77', '-13', 'jh', '8990', '76_3234_54']
res_list = list(map(parse_num, candidates))


['34.77', '-13', 'jh', '8990', '76_3234_54']

[34.77, -13, None, 8990, 76323454]

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43


def num(s):
        for each in s:
            yield int(each)
    except ValueError:
        yield float(each)
a = num(["123.55","345","44"])

This is the most Pythonic way I could come up with.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • The generator stops after the first interpretation of float. The trycatch block should probably be inside the for loop. - anyone

If you don't want to use third party modules the following might be the most robust solution:

def string_to_int_or_float(s):
        f = float(s) # replace s with str(s) if you are not sure that s is a string
    except ValueError:
        print("Provided string '" + s + "' is not interpretable as a literal number.")
        i = int(str(f).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'))
        return f
    return i

It might not be the fastest, but it handles correctly literal numbers where many other solutions fail, such as:

>>> string_to_int_or_float('789.')
>>> string_to_int_or_float('789.0')
>>> string_to_int_or_float('12.3e2')
>>> string_to_int_or_float('12.3e-2')
>>> string_to_int_or_float('4560e-1')
>>> string_to_int_or_float('4560e-2')

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

This is a function which will convert any object (not just str) to int or float, based on if the actual string supplied looks like int or float. Further if it's an object which has both __float and __int__ methods, it defaults to using __float__

def conv_to_num(x, num_type='asis'):
    '''Converts an object to a number if possible.
    num_type: int, float, 'asis'
    Defaults to floating point in case of ambiguity.
    import numbers

    is_num, is_str, is_other = [False]*3

    if isinstance(x, numbers.Number):
        is_num = True
    elif isinstance(x, str):
        is_str = True

    is_other = not any([is_num, is_str])

    if is_num:
        res = x
    elif is_str:
        is_float, is_int, is_char = [False]*3
            res = float(x)
            if '.' in x:
                is_float = True
                is_int = True
        except ValueError:
            res = x
            is_char = True

        if num_type == 'asis':
            funcs = [int, float]
            funcs = [num_type]

        for func in funcs:
                res = func(x)
            except TypeError:
            res = x

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

By using int and float methods we can convert a string to integer and floats.



Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

  • This answer doesn't add anything new. See, for example, this answer which gives the same information and more. - anyone

For numbers and characters together:

string_for_int = "498 results should get"
string_for_float = "498.45645765 results should get"

First import re:

 import re

 # For getting the integer part:
 print(int('\d+', string_for_int).group())) #498

 # For getting the float part:
 print(float('\d+\.\d+', string_for_float).group())) #498.45645765

For easy model:

value1 = "10"
value2 = "10.2"
print(int(value1)) # 10
print(float(value2)) # 10.2

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43

You can simply do this by

s = '542.22'

f = float(s) # This converts string data to float data with a decimal point

i = int(f) # This converts string data to integer data by just taking the whole number part of it

For more information on parsing of data types check on python documentation!

Answered   2023-09-20 20:25:43