How do I print colored text to the terminal?

Asked 2023-09-20 20:20:41 View 800,292

How do I output colored text to the terminal in Python?

  • This symbol would make a great colored block: Only problem is that it is extended ASCII, maybe you could get it to work using - anyone
  • Some terminals also can display Unicode characters. If that is true for your terminal, the possible characters are almost unlimited. - anyone


This somewhat depends on what platform you are on. The most common way to do this is by printing ANSI escape sequences. For a simple example, here's some Python code from the Blender build scripts:

class bcolors:
    HEADER = '\033[95m'
    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
    OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
    WARNING = '\033[93m'
    FAIL = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

To use code like this, you can do something like:

print(bcolors.WARNING + "Warning: No active frommets remain. Continue?" + bcolors.ENDC)

Or, with Python 3.6+:

print(f"{bcolors.WARNING}Warning: No active frommets remain. Continue?{bcolors.ENDC}")

This will work on unixes including OS X, Linux and Windows (provided you use ANSICON, or in Windows 10 provided you enable VT100 emulation). There are ANSI codes for setting the color, moving the cursor, and more.

If you are going to get complicated with this (and it sounds like you are if you are writing a game), you should look into the "curses" module, which handles a lot of the complicated parts of this for you. The Python Curses HowTO is a good introduction.

If you are not using extended ASCII (i.e., not on a PC), you are stuck with the ASCII characters below 127, and '#' or '@' is probably your best bet for a block. If you can ensure your terminal is using a IBM extended ASCII character set, you have many more options. Characters 176, 177, 178 and 219 are the "block characters".

Some modern text-based programs, such as "Dwarf Fortress", emulate text mode in a graphical mode, and use images of the classic PC font. You can find some of these bitmaps that you can use on the Dwarf Fortress Wiki see (user-made tilesets).

The Text Mode Demo Contest has more resources for doing graphics in text mode.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • On Linux, you might want to use tput, like so since it results in more portable code. - anyone
  • @Cawas: A real use case for disable is when you pipe the output to a file; while tools like cat may support colors, it is generally better to not print color information to files. - anyone
  • @AlexanderSimko, here's a ctypes code snippet to enable VT100 support in Windows 10: import ctypes; kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32'); hStdOut = kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11); mode = ctypes.c_ulong(); kernel32.GetConsoleMode(hStdOut, ctypes.byref(mode)); mode.value |= 4; kernel32.SetConsoleMode(hStdOut, mode). - anyone
  • To anyone using the Python example code from the answer: It should be noted that the colors in the range 90-97 and 100-107 are non-standard and, indeed, on my terminal they don't all give the colors indicated by the variable names. It's better to use the standard ranges 30-37 and 40-47. Source:… - anyone
  • On windows, you can make ansi escape codes work by running the color command in cmd. Just put in os.system("color") - anyone

There is also the Python termcolor module. Usage is pretty simple:

from termcolor import colored

print colored('hello', 'red'), colored('world', 'green')

Or in Python 3:

print(colored('hello', 'red'), colored('world', 'green'))

It may not be sophisticated enough, however, for game programming and the "colored blocks" that you want to do...

To get the ANSI codes working on windows, first run


Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • Since it's emitting ANSI codes, does it work on Windows (DOS consoles) if ansi.sys is loaded? - anyone
  • Just noticed that as of 13/01/2011, it's now under MIT license - anyone
  • doesn't have unittests (unlike colorama) and not updated since 2011 - anyone
  • termcolor.COLORS gives you a list of colours - anyone
  • On Windows run os.system('color') first, then the ANSI escape sequences start working. - anyone

The answer is Colorama for all cross-platform coloring in Python.

It supports Python 3.5+ as well as Python 2.7.

And as of January 2023, it is maintained.

Example Code:

from colorama import init as colorama_init
from colorama import Fore
from colorama import Style


print(f"This is {Fore.GREEN}color{Style.RESET_ALL}!")

Example Screenshot: example screenshot

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • As the author of Colorama, thanks for the mention @nbv4. I'll try and clarify a bit: Colorama aims to let Python programs print colored terminal text on all platforms, using the same ANSI codes as described in many other answers on this page. On Windows, Colorama strips these ANSI characters from stdout and converts them into equivalent win32 calls for colored text. On other platforms, Colorama does nothing. Hence you can use ANSI codes, or modules like Termcolor, and with Colorama, they 'just work' on all platforms. Is that idea, anyhow. - anyone
  • @Jonathan, This is truly an awesome library! The ability to cross platform color Python output is really really nice and useful. I am providing tools for a library that colors its own console. I can redirect the output of that console to the terminal and colorize the output. Now I can even one up the library and let the user select colors. This will allow color blind people to set things to work so they can actually see the output correctly. Thanks - anyone
  • This should be in the standard library... Cross platform colour support is important, I think. - anyone
  • Colorama is great! Also have a look at ansimarkup, which is built on colorama and allows you to use a simple tag-based markup (e.g. <b>bold</b>) for adding style to terminal text - anyone
  • This doesn't work without calling colorama.init(). Vote up! - anyone

Print a string that starts a color/style, then the string, and then end the color/style change with '\x1b[0m':

print('\x1b[6;30;42m' + 'Success!' + '\x1b[0m')

Success with green background example

Get a table of format options for shell text with the following code:

def print_format_table():
    prints table of formatted text format options
    for style in range(8):
        for fg in range(30,38):
            s1 = ''
            for bg in range(40,48):
                format = ';'.join([str(style), str(fg), str(bg)])
                s1 += '\x1b[%sm %s \x1b[0m' % (format, format)


Light-on-dark example (complete)

Enter image description here

Dark-on-light example (partial)

Top part of output


Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

Define a string that starts a color and a string that ends the color. Then print your text with the start string at the front and the end string at the end.

CRED = '\033[91m'
CEND = '\033[0m'
print(CRED + "Error, does not compute!" + CEND)

This produces the following in Bash, in urxvt with a Zenburn-style color scheme:

Output colors

Through experimentation, we can get more colors:

Color matrix

Note: \33[5m and \33[6m are blinking.

This way we can create a full color collection:

CEND      = '\33[0m'
CBOLD     = '\33[1m'
CITALIC   = '\33[3m'
CURL      = '\33[4m'
CBLINK    = '\33[5m'
CBLINK2   = '\33[6m'
CSELECTED = '\33[7m'

CBLACK  = '\33[30m'
CRED    = '\33[31m'
CGREEN  = '\33[32m'
CYELLOW = '\33[33m'
CBLUE   = '\33[34m'
CVIOLET = '\33[35m'
CBEIGE  = '\33[36m'
CWHITE  = '\33[37m'

CBLACKBG  = '\33[40m'
CREDBG    = '\33[41m'
CGREENBG  = '\33[42m'
CYELLOWBG = '\33[43m'
CBLUEBG   = '\33[44m'
CVIOLETBG = '\33[45m'
CBEIGEBG  = '\33[46m'
CWHITEBG  = '\33[47m'

CGREY    = '\33[90m'
CRED2    = '\33[91m'
CGREEN2  = '\33[92m'
CYELLOW2 = '\33[93m'
CBLUE2   = '\33[94m'
CVIOLET2 = '\33[95m'
CBEIGE2  = '\33[96m'
CWHITE2  = '\33[97m'

CGREYBG    = '\33[100m'
CREDBG2    = '\33[101m'
CGREENBG2  = '\33[102m'
CYELLOWBG2 = '\33[103m'
CBLUEBG2   = '\33[104m'
CVIOLETBG2 = '\33[105m'
CBEIGEBG2  = '\33[106m'
CWHITEBG2  = '\33[107m'

Here is the code to generate the test:

x = 0
for i in range(24):
  colors = ""
  for j in range(5):
    code = str(x+j)
    colors = colors + "\33[" + code + "m\\33[" + code + "m\033[0m "
  x = x + 5

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • What shell or terminal makes it blink? - anyone
  • (u)rxvt for example - anyone
  • FYI - What is labeled "beige" above is a light cyan on Apple's Terminal (and also in many other lists of color names for Python). Also, some of the double colors are light/dark versions, and the white variants I would call white and grey ... - anyone
  • @captain \33[25m should also mean "Not blinking", without resetting other styles -… - anyone
  • Turned your list into a class. Love it. Use it often. Thank you! - anyone

Here's a solution that works on Windows 10 natively.

Using a system call, such as os.system(""), allows colours to be printed in Command Prompt and Powershell natively:

import os

# System call

# Class of different styles
class style():
    BLACK = '\033[30m'
    RED = '\033[31m'
    GREEN = '\033[32m'
    YELLOW = '\033[33m'
    BLUE = '\033[34m'
    MAGENTA = '\033[35m'
    CYAN = '\033[36m'
    WHITE = '\033[37m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
    RESET = '\033[0m'

print(style.YELLOW + "Hello, World!")

Note: Windows does not fully support ANSI codes, whether through system calls or modules. Not all text decoration is supported, and although the bright colours display, they are identical to the regular colours.

Thanks to @j-l for finding an even shorter method.

tl;dr: Add os.system("")

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • This works - I'm really surprised that the color command enables ANSI codes in the Windows terminal, I've gone for years without knowing this was possible - the command itself doesn't give any clue that it does this. - anyone
  • Thanks so much for your answer, @SimpleBinary! Playing around with your answer, I've found that you can simplify if sys.platform.lower() == "win32": os.system('color') even further by simply replacing it with just os.system(''). No condition is needed, and the code runs in both Windows 10 and Linux (when I tested it). As you can see, you don't have to make a system call to color. Calls to dir, cd, abcdef, and just an empty string work fine (although the non-empty strings will likely print output you don't want to see). - anyone
  • In short, the call to color isn't the crucial part; it's the os.system(command) line itself that makes printing colors possible when running on Windows 10. And the "command" can be anything, really -- even just an empty string. - anyone
  • this is really interesting! why does os.system("") cause color codes to work? - anyone
  • @Starwarswii It's not python's implementation, in C running printf(fmt, ...); with ASNI codes in windows after calling system(""); (include <stdlib.h>) does prints the color text, I'm still curious why is that? - anyone

You want to learn about ANSI escape sequences. Here's a brief example:

CSI = "\x1B["
print(CSI+"31;40m" + "Colored Text" + CSI + "0m")

For more information, see ANSI escape code.

For a block character, try a Unicode character like \u2588:


Putting it all together:

print(CSI+"31;40m" + u"\u2588" + CSI + "0m")

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • Try def d(*v): return '\x1B['+';'.join(map(str, v))+'m' then print ' '.join([d(k,i)+str(i%10)+d(0) for i in range(30,38)+range(40,48) for k in range(2)]) - anyone
  • what is the meaning of reset here? - anyone
  • I've been trying this solution. What is the purpose of "31;40m" and "0m"? - anyone
  • @Qohelet: did you follow the link to "ANSI escape code"? It explains how ANSI escape sequences work. The first set of numbers tell the terminal to start using a specific foreground and background color, the 0m tells the terminal to stop using that color. - anyone
  • @BryanOakley - I wonder as this is not happening. Python3.7 prints it as regular text. - anyone

sty is similar to colorama, but it's less verbose, supports 8-bit and 24-bit (RGB) colors, supports all effects (bold, underline, etc.), allows you to register your own styles, is fully typed and high performant, supports muting, is not messing with globals such as sys.stdout, is really flexible, well documented and more...


from sty import fg, bg, ef, rs

foo = + 'This is red text!' +
bar = + 'This has a blue background!' +
baz = ef.italic + 'This is italic text' + rs.italic
qux = fg(201) + 'This is pink text using 8bit colors' +
qui = fg(255, 10, 10) + 'This is red text using 24bit colors.' +

# Add custom colors:

from sty import Style, RgbFg = Style(RgbFg(255, 150, 50))

buf = + 'Yay, Im orange.' +

print(foo, bar, baz, qux, qui, buf, sep='\n')


Enter image description here


Enter image description here

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • It would be very useful if you consider to compare it with colorama, I prefer your library, but just because more short api from the box, and it would be great if it will be more popular. Thanks! - anyone
  • I like sty and I am trying to format my string with sty, one issue is that , when I print multiple colors, can I reset to previous color instead of default color? - anyone
  • @VictorGavro That's a good idea! I may add a comparison to the documentation. - anyone
  • @intijk Your question doesn't really fit the comment section. For this kind of question please create a new SO Question or use the github issue tracker. - anyone
  • @intijk : use the codes and to reset the foreground and background colors to default, respectively. - anyone

Rich is a relatively new Python library for working with color in the terminal.

There are a few ways of working with color in Rich. The quickest way to get started would be the rich print method which renders a BBCode-like syntax in to ANSI control codes:

from rich import print
print("[red]Color[/] in the [bold magenta]Terminal[/]!")

There are other ways of applying color with Rich (regex, syntax) and related formatting features.

Screenshot of Rich

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

My favorite way is with the Blessings library (full disclosure: I wrote it). For example:

from blessings import Terminal

t = Terminal()
print'This is red.')
print t.bold_bright_red_on_black('Bright red on black')

To print colored bricks, the most reliable way is to print spaces with background colors. I use this technique to draw the progress bar in nose-progressive:

print t.on_green(' ')

You can print in specific locations as well:

with t.location(0, 5):
    print t.on_yellow(' ')

If you have to muck with other terminal capabilities in the course of your game, you can do that as well. You can use Python's standard string formatting to keep it readable:

print '{t.clear_eol}You just cleared a {t.bold}whole{t.normal} line!'.format(t=t)

The nice thing about Blessings is that it does its best to work on all sorts of terminals, not just the (overwhelmingly common) ANSI-color ones. It also keeps unreadable escape sequences out of your code while remaining concise to use. Have fun!

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • Putting the color as a function name and not as a parameter is a questionable practice. - anyone
  • @LtWorf: you could easily make it a parameter using getattr if you need it. Or more likely, just create the format string dynamically instead. - anyone
  • @progo the fact that you can do it doesn't mean that you should do it. It's more generic if the colour is a parameter that you can just pass. - anyone
  • You can just pass a python function. - anyone
  • Note that importing blessings does not work on windows so don't use it if your script needs to be cross-platform. - anyone

This is, in my opinion, the easiest method. As long as you have the RGB values of the color you want, this should work:

def colored(r, g, b, text):
    return f"\033[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m{text}\033[0m"

An example of printing red text:

text = 'Hello, World!'
colored_text = colored(255, 0, 0, text)


print(colored(255, 0, 0, 'Hello, World!'))

Multi-colored text

text = colored(255, 0, 0, 'Hello, ') + colored(0, 255, 0, 'World')

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • This is actually the proper answer to the question and should be selected. The question is how to print colours in python and NOT what external libraries can be used. - anyone
  • @mike_rodent This isn't *nix specific but depends on whether terminal supports ANSI - anyone
  • This can be further tidied using a lambda and f-strings: `coloured = lambda r, g, b, text: f'\033[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m{text} \033[38;2;255;255;255m' - anyone
  • There is a side effect trailing space after the current implementation. You can get rid of by removing the trailing space from the string format. Use this instead: f"\033[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m{text}\033[38;2;255;255;255m" - anyone
  • @Mehdi this wasn't written for python2. Almost everyone is using python3 now, and maintaining backwards compatibility isn't worth the time. If you want it to work for python2, you'll need to use .format() instead of f-strings. Hardly deserves a downvote for not working for an unsupported version of python. - anyone

I generated a class with all the colors using a for loop to iterate every combination of color up to 100, and then wrote a class with Python colors. Copy and paste as you will, GPLv2 by me:

class colors:
    '''Colors class:
    Reset all colors with colors.reset
    Two subclasses fg for foreground and bg for background.
    Use as colors.subclass.colorname.
    i.e. or
    Also, the generic bold, disable, underline, reverse, strikethrough,
    and invisible work with the main class
    i.e. colors.bold
    class fg:
    class bg:

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

Try this simple code

def prRed(prt):

def prGreen(prt):

def prYellow(prt):

def prLightPurple(prt):

def prPurple(prt):

def prCyan(prt):

def prLightGray(prt):

def prBlack(prt):

def prReset(prt):

prGreen("Hello, Green World!")
prBlack("Hello, Black World!")
prCyan("Hello, Cyan World!")
prGreen("Hello, Green World!")
prLightGray("Hello, Light Grey World!")
prLightPurple("Hello, Light Purple World!")
prPurple("Hello, Purple World!")
prRed("Hello, Red World!")
prYellow("Hello, Yellow World!")
prReset("Hello, Reset World!")

Python 3 Example Python 3 Example.

# python2
    def prRed(prt): print("\033[91m {}\033[00m" .format(prt))
    def prGreen(prt): print("\033[92m {}\033[00m" .format(prt))
    def prYellow(prt): print("\033[93m {}\033[00m" .format(prt))
    def prLightPurple(prt): print("\033[94m {}\033[00m" .format(prt))
    def prPurple(prt): print("\033[95m {}\033[00m" .format(prt))
    def prCyan(prt): print("\033[96m {}\033[00m" .format(prt))
    def prLightGray(prt): print("\033[97m {}\033[00m" .format(prt))
    def prBlack(prt): print("\033[98m {}\033[00m" .format(prt))

    prGreen("Hello, World!")

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • Suggestion: define lambdas that returns that colored string, instead of printing them directly, so that it can be used in conjunction with other strings. - anyone
  • Thanks @gustafbstron. This is what I decided to use: def prGreen: return '"\033[91m {}\033[00m" .format(prt) which is used like this: print(f'This will turn {prGreen("Hello world")} and change back') - anyone
# Pure Python 3.x demo, 256 colors
# Works with bash under Linux and MacOS

fg = lambda text, color: "\33[38;5;" + str(color) + "m" + text + "\33[0m"
bg = lambda text, color: "\33[48;5;" + str(color) + "m" + text + "\33[0m"

def print_six(row, format, end="\n"):
    for col in range(6):
        color = row*6 + col - 2
        if color>=0:
            text = "{:3d}".format(color)
            print (format(text,color), end=" ")
            print(end="    ")   # four spaces

for row in range(0, 43):
    print_six(row, fg, " ")
    print_six(row, bg)

# Simple usage: print(fg("text", 160))

Text with altering foreground and background, colors 0..141 Text with altering foreground and background, colors 142..255

Try it online

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • The formatting is so nice and it has a lot of color range. I keep coming back to this, thanks! - anyone
  • very nice, could you please give me some explanation about "\33[38;5;" . - anyone
  • @Jay, this is an escape sequence. '\33' is the escape character (in octal). - anyone
  • Excellent pure python solution. - anyone

I have a library called colorit. It is super simple.

Here are some examples:

from colorit import *

# Use this to ensure that ColorIt will be usable by certain command line interfaces
# Note: This clears the terminal

# Foreground
print(color("This text is red",
print(color("This text is orange",
print(color("This text is yellow", Colors.yellow))
print(color("This text is green",
print(color("This text is blue",
print(color("This text is purple", Colors.purple))
print(color("This text is white", Colors.white))

# Background
print(background("This text has a background that is red",
print(background("This text has a background that is orange",
print(background("This text has a background that is yellow", Colors.yellow))
print(background("This text has a background that is green",
print(background("This text has a background that is blue",
print(background("This text has a background that is purple", Colors.purple))
print(background("This text has a background that is white", Colors.white))

# Custom
print(color("This color has a custom grey text color", (150, 150, 150)))
print(background("This color has a custom grey background", (150, 150, 150)))

# Combination
        color("This text is blue with a white background",, Colors.white

# If you are using Windows Command Line, this is so that it doesn't close immediately

This gives you:

Picture of ColorIt

It's also worth noting that this is cross platform and has been tested on Mac, Linux, and Windows.

You might want to try it out:

colorit is now available to be installed with PyPi! You can install it with pip install color-it on Windows and pip3 install color-it on macOS and Linux.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • when it will be possibility to install it with pip usage? - anyone
  • @ncopiy Hello! I am actually planning to do that within the next two days! :D For now, you can install it with the install instructions on the page. - anyone
  • @ncopiy It is now available to be installed with pip3 (or pip). The command is pip3 install color-it or pip install color-it and can be imported with import colorit. - anyone
  • I don't know why, but my texts are not colorized by the color provided on the Colors.etc... All my texts are turning into gray texts, but with different tone (lighter / darker)... - anyone
  • @Victor Hmm, assuming you have an init_colorit() statement somewhere, it may be your terminal. What does it do in other terminals? - anyone

On Windows you can use module 'win32console' (available in some Python distributions) or module 'ctypes' (Python 2.5 and up) to access the Win32 API.

To see complete code that supports both ways, see the color console reporting code from Testoob.

ctypes example:

import ctypes

# Constants from the Windows API
FOREGROUND_RED    = 0x0004 # text color contains red.

def get_csbi_attributes(handle):
    # Based on IPython's, written by Alexander Belchenko
    import struct
    csbi = ctypes.create_string_buffer(22)
    res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, csbi)
    assert res

    (bufx, bufy, curx, cury, wattr,
    left, top, right, bottom, maxx, maxy) = struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", csbi.raw)
    return wattr

handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
reset = get_csbi_attributes(handle)

ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, FOREGROUND_RED)
print "Cherry on top"
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, reset)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • Honestly this is only solution that works with windows. All other answers are just copy of eachothers. - anyone
  • FWIW, on Windows it might be less pain to use ConEmu which supports ANSI sequences (apart from a host of other advantages over the native terminal). Still great to have a native solution though. - anyone
  • I am with Danilo. - anyone
  • @Danilo notice this answer: - anyone

I have wrapped joeld's answer into a module with global functions that I can use anywhere in my code.


def enable():
    HEADER = '\033[95m'
    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
    WARNING = '\033[93m'
    FAIL = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'
    BOLD = "\033[1m"

def disable():
    HEADER = ''
    OKBLUE = ''
    OKGREEN = ''
    WARNING = ''
    FAIL = ''
    ENDC = ''

def infog(msg):
    print(OKGREEN + msg + ENDC)

def info(msg):
    print(OKBLUE + msg + ENDC)

def warn(msg):
    print(WARNING + msg + ENDC)

def err(msg):
    print(FAIL + msg + ENDC)


Use as follows:

import log"Hello, World!")
log.err("System Error")

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

Here is my modern (2021) solution: yachalk

It is one of the few libraries that properly supports nested styles:

enter image description here

Apart from that yachalk is auto-complete-friendly, has 256/truecolor support, comes with terminal-capability detection, and is fully typed.

Here are some design decision you may consider for choosing your solution.

High-level libraries vs low-level libraries / manual style handling?

Many answers to this question demonstrate how to ANSI escape codes directly, or suggest low-level libraries that require manual style enabling/disabling.

These approaches have subtle issues: Inserting on/off styles manually is

  • more verbose syntactically, because resets have to be specified explicitly,
  • more error prone, because you can accidentally forget to reset a style,
  • fails to get edge cases right: For instance in some terminals it is necessary to reset styles before newlines, and re-activate them after the line break. Also, some terminal have problems with simply overriding mutually exclusive styles, and require inserting "unnecessary" reset codes. If a developer's local terminal doesn't have these quirks, the developer will not discover these quirks immediately. The issue will only be reported later by others or cause problems e.g. on CI terminals.

Therefore if compatibility with many terminals is a goal, it's best to use a high-level library that offers automatic handling of style resets. This allows the library to take care of all edge cases by inserting the "spurious" ANSI escape codes where needed.

Why yet another library?

In JavaScript the de-facto standard library for the task is chalk, and after using it for a while in JS projects, the solutions available in the Python world were lacking in comparison. Not only is the chalk API more convenient to use (fully auto-complete compatible), it also gets all the edge cases right.

The idea of yachalk is to bring the same convenience to the Python ecosystem. If you're interested in a comparison to other libraries I've started feature comparison on the projects page. In addition, here is a long (but still incomplete) list of alternatives that came up during my research -- a lot to choose from :)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

def black(text):
    print('\033[30m', text, '\033[0m', sep='')

def red(text):
    print('\033[31m', text, '\033[0m', sep='')

def green(text):
    print('\033[32m', text, '\033[0m', sep='')

def yellow(text):
    print('\033[33m', text, '\033[0m', sep='')

def blue(text):
    print('\033[34m', text, '\033[0m', sep='')

def magenta(text):
    print('\033[35m', text, '\033[0m', sep='')

def cyan(text):
    print('\033[36m', text, '\033[0m', sep='')

def gray(text):
    print('\033[90m', text, '\033[0m', sep='')


Try online

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • Is this for python3 only? got an error on sep='' with python2 - anyone
  • This should be the accepted answer for python3. Works perfectly. - anyone

I ended up doing this, and I felt it was cleanest:

formatters = {
    'RED': '\033[91m',
    'GREEN': '\033[92m',
    'END': '\033[0m',

print 'Master is currently {RED}red{END}!'.format(**formatters)
print 'Help make master {GREEN}green{END} again!'.format(**formatters)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • This is really nice for doing it without a third party package. - anyone

For Windows you cannot print to console with colors unless you're using the Win32 API.

For Linux it's as simple as using print, with the escape sequences outlined here:


For the character to print like a box, it really depends on what font you are using for the console window. The pound symbol works well, but it depends on the font:


Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • In windows 10 colors work like linux if you call os.system('') at the beginning of your code - anyone

Stupidly simple, based on joeld's answer:

class PrintInColor:
    RED = '\033[91m'
    GREEN = '\033[92m'
    YELLOW = '\033[93m'
    LIGHT_PURPLE = '\033[94m'
    PURPLE = '\033[95m'
    END = '\033[0m'

    def red(cls, s, **kwargs):
        print(cls.RED + s + cls.END, **kwargs)

    def green(cls, s, **kwargs):
        print(cls.GREEN + s + cls.END, **kwargs)

    def yellow(cls, s, **kwargs):
        print(cls.YELLOW + s + cls.END, **kwargs)

    def lightPurple(cls, s, **kwargs):
        print(cls.LIGHT_PURPLE + s + cls.END, **kwargs)

    def purple(cls, s, **kwargs):
        print(cls.PURPLE + s + cls.END, **kwargs)

Then just'hello', end=' ')'world')

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • This will crash if you pass more than one positional argument or anything other than a string type - anyone
  • @RomainVincent Then don't pass more than one positional argument or anything other than a string ty— wait, these are print-replacements? Objection rescinded. - anyone
  • @wizzwizz4 I'm not sure what you meant with this comment, I don't see the point anyway. If you are going to propose a class..., to replace a method as simple as print, you might as well avoid making it so easily breakable. Just my opinion. - anyone
  • @RomainVincent I was going to say that your objection was wrong, but for replacing a function as versatile as print one should make sure to properly replicate its functionality. - anyone
  • @RomainVincent Implements to use infinite arguments : <code> def purple(cls, *args, **kwargs): print(cls.PURPLE, *args, cls.END, **kwargs) </code> - anyone

Building on joeld's answer, using
pip install -U lazyme:

from lazyme.string import color_print
>>> color_print('abc')
>>> color_print('abc', color='pink')
>>> color_print('abc', color='red')
>>> color_print('abc', color='yellow')
>>> color_print('abc', color='green')
>>> color_print('abc', color='blue', underline=True)
>>> color_print('abc', color='blue', underline=True, bold=True)
>>> color_print('abc', color='pink', underline=True, bold=True)


Enter image description here

Some updates to the color_print with new formatters, e.g.:

>>> from lazyme.string import palette, highlighter, formatter
>>> from lazyme.string import color_print
>>> palette.keys() # Available colors.
['pink', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'blue', 'gray', 'default', 'black', 'green', 'white', 'red']
>>> highlighter.keys() # Available highlights.
['blue', 'pink', 'gray', 'black', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'green', 'magenta', 'white', 'red']
>>> formatter.keys() # Available formatter,
['hide', 'bold', 'italic', 'default', 'fast_blinking', 'faint', 'strikethrough', 'underline', 'blinking', 'reverse']

Note: italic, fast blinking, and strikethrough may not work on all terminals, and they don't work on Mac and Ubuntu.


>>> color_print('foo bar', color='pink', highlight='white')
foo bar
>>> color_print('foo bar', color='pink', highlight='white', reverse=True)
foo bar
>>> color_print('foo bar', color='pink', highlight='white', bold=True)
foo bar
>>> color_print('foo bar', color='pink', highlight='white', faint=True)
foo bar
>>> color_print('foo bar', color='pink', highlight='white', faint=True, reverse=True)
foo bar
>>> color_print('foo bar', color='pink', highlight='white', underline=True, reverse=True)
foo bar


Enter image description here

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

Note how well the with keyword mixes with modifiers like these that need to be reset (using Python 3 and Colorama):

from colorama import Fore, Style
import sys

class Highlight:
  def __init__(self, clazz, color):
    self.color = color
    self.clazz = clazz
  def __enter__(self):
    print(self.color, end="")
  def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
    if self.clazz == Fore:
      print(Fore.RESET, end="")
      assert self.clazz == Style
      print(Style.RESET_ALL, end="")

with Highlight(Fore, Fore.GREEN):
  print("this is highlighted")
print("this is not")

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • Tried out colorama, used print(Style.BRIGHT + "Header Test") and print (Style.DIM + word) to create a really nice prompt. - anyone
  • This will need to change to use contextlib for Py3. - anyone
  • @cat: From what version of Python will that be necessary? - anyone
  • I believe 3 and up -- it should have a @contextlib.contextmanager decorator on it, no? - anyone
  • @cat: Why? Works great without. - anyone

You could use Clint:

from clint.textui import colored
print'some warning message')
print'nicely done!')

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • First link has gone so I removed it; the GH link is still good (although the project is "archived" and basically abandoned, from what I can gather). - anyone

You can use the Python implementation of the curses library: curses — Terminal handling for character-cell displays

Also, run this and you'll find your box:

for i in range(255):
    print i, chr(i)

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • Personally I think that the 'curses' library has been totally eclipsed by 'blessings', in the same way 'requests' has eclipsed 'urllib', etc. - anyone


You can use colors for text as others mentioned in their answers to have colorful text with a background or foreground color.

But you can use emojis instead! for example, you can use⚠️ for warning messages and 🛑 for error messages.

Or simply use these notebooks as a color:

📕: error message
📙: warning message
📗: ok status message
📘: action message
📓: canceled status message
📔: Or anything you like and want to recognize immediately by color

🎁 Bonus:

This method also helps you to quickly scan and find logs directly in the source code.

But some operating systems (including some Linux distributions in some version with some window managers) default emoji font is not colorful by default and you may want to make them colorful, first.

How to open emoji picker?

mac os: control + command + space

windows: win + .

linux: control + . or control + ;

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

  • This wasn't asked but I'm glad you shared it regardless! I really prefer this to text colors. - anyone
  • Linux? What distribution, version, and window manager? Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa)? - anyone
  • Answer updated for more being precise. Thanks to point out @PeterMortensen - anyone
  • Emojis are unicodes. you can find out more about them online by searching "emoji" 😉 - anyone
  • There are my emoji favourites: print("❌", "ERROR:", "Cross Mark Emoji") print("✔️", "SUCCESS:", "Heavy Check Mark Emoji") - anyone

If you are programming a game perhaps you would like to change the background color and use only spaces? For example:

print " "+ "\033[01;41m" + " " +"\033[01;46m"  + "  " + "\033[01;42m"

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

An easier option would be to use the cprint function from the termcolor package.


It also supports %s, %d format of printing:

Enter image description here

Results can be terminal dependant, so review the Terminal Properties section of the package documentation.

  • Windows Command Prompt and Python IDLE don't work

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • JupyterLab notebook does work

enter image description here

Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41

YAY! Another version

While I find this answer useful, I modified it a bit. This GitHub Gist is the result


print colors.draw("i'm yellow", bold=True, fg_yellow=True)

Enter image description here

In addition, you can wrap common usages:

print colors.error('sorry, ')


Answered   2023-09-20 20:20:41