Target Class Does Not Exist In Laravel 8

    In this article, we will see target class does not exist in laravel 8 and how to fix target class not found in laravel 8. As you all know laravel 8 has already been released and you can see there are many changes and update in the laravel 8. Many laravel users are facing issues in their new laravel 8 version when they try to load their routes in web.php and they run into an Exception that says something like "Target class [postController] does not exist".

    So, let's controller does not exist in laravel 8, laravel 8 target class does not exist and how to solve/fix target class does not exist in laravel 8.


    Up to Laravel 7, the RouteServiceProvider.php file had the below code:

    here, the namespace variable has stored 'App\Http\Controllers' and declared in middleware and prefix route as below.

protected $namespace = 'App\Http\Controllers';

protected function mapWebRoutes()

protected function mapApiRoutes()
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    But, In laravel 8 the $namespace variable was removed and the Route declaration changed as below:

 protected $namespace = null;

 public function boot()

        $this->routes(function () {


    So, Here are two different solutions for the target class does not exist.

1. Add namespace manually

    In this process, you need to add value/path in the $namespace variable and you need to declare in route as well like below.

protected $namespace = 'App\Http\Controllers';
    public function boot()

        $this->routes(function () {


    Now, run again your app all codes are working fine without the "Target Class Does Not Exist" error.

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2. Using Full Namespace in your Routes

     In this solution, you can use full namespace or change all your route declarations like the below code.


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