Secure Your Applications with Keycloak

    In life, there are many problems posed to the software industry . But most of the software that we create has a security and decentralization mechanism and user management.

    So what can keycloak do in the above problems?

  • Add Authentication and Authorization to your system.
  • Add UserManagerment to your system.
  • Add Single-Sign-on and Single-Sign-out to your system.
  • Add Permission(Role-User) to your system.

    Can be used for most types of software deployment models(microservice-monolithic)

    For ease of visualization I drew it with MONOLITHIC

    before the keycloak


    So what happens when we use the MICROSERVICE ?

    The remaining problem is just how to learn and implement them. Stay tuned in the following section !! Tks ALL.

Nguồn: Viblo

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