Laravel whereBetween Query Example

    In this article, we will see laravel whereBetween query example. SQL provides many different types of methods or queries to get filtered data from databases. So, in this post, we will learn laravel whereBetween and orWhereBetween query builder examples. In laravel 6, laravel 7, and laravel 8 you can use the whereBetween() and orWhereBetween() functions to get records from a given date range or values.

    Here, we will give you the code of laravel whereBetween dates example. In the below code, we have added laravel wherebetween with orwherebetween SQL query as well as Laravel query.

    So, let's see the whereBetween query in laravel 7/8 and the whereBetween SQL query example.

Example of whereBetween() condition in laravel

$students = DB::table('Register')
           ->whereBetween('RollNo', [1, 50])

    Now I will show you an example of whereBetween() query in laravel 6/7/8 and how to write whereBetween() condition in laravel. So first we will see SQL query for better understanding.


SQL OR Example

select * from `Register` where `rollno` between ? and ?

get all records between two dates using where between in laravel

namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Register;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class RegisterController extends Controller
    public function index(Request $request)
      $names = Register::whereBetween
Read Also: Laravel where and orWhere Condition Example
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