In this post i will show you datatables localization example, jquery datatable plugin can localize all the displayed strings by setting the localization property to default localization members. localization of datatable column headings or website localization is the process of rendering your app in multiple languages.
Laravel localization features provide a convenient way to retrieve text in diffrent languages here we are using in jquery datatable.
Step 1 : Create Localization File
In this Laravel Localization Example we will Create localization file in language wise. here i create two file First one for English and second one is Chinese.
1. resources/lang/en/message.php
2. resources/lang/zhh/message.php
Step 2 : Add Localization Code in Blade File
Now, add below code in your script tag.
"language": {
"emptyTable": "{{trans('datatable.General.emptyTable')}}",
"info": "{{trans('')}}",
"infoEmpty": "{{trans('datatable.General.infoEmpty')}}",
"infoFiltered": "{{trans('datatable.General.infoFiltered')}}",
"lengthMenu": "{{trans('datatable.General.lengthMenu')}}",
"loadingRecords": "{{trans('datatable.General.loadingRecords')}}",
"processing": "{{trans('datatable.General.processing')}}",
"search": "{{trans('')}}",
"searchPlaceholder": "{{trans('datatable.General.searchPlaceholder')}}",
"zeroRecords": "{{trans('datatable.General.zeroRecords')}}",
language: {
paginate: { 'first': 'First', 'last': 'Last', 'next': '→', 'previous': '←' },
emptyTable: @json(__('datatable.General.emptyTable')),
info: @json(__('')),
infoEmpty: @json(__('datatable.General.infoEmpty')),
infoFiltered: @json(__('datatable.General.infoFiltered')),
loadingRecords: @json(__('datatable.General.loadingRecords')),
processin: @json(__('datatable.General.processing')),
zeroRecords: @json(__('datatable.General.zeroRecords')),
lengthMenu: @json(__('datatable.General.lengthMenu')),
search: @json(__('')),
searchPlaceholder: @json(__('datatable.General.searchPlaceholder')),
Now, we need to create array in this file location resources/lang/zhh/datatable.php file
return [
'General' =>
'Cancelled' => '取消',
'Delete' => '删除',
'Delivered' => '递送',
'Edit' => '修改',
'emptyTable' => '表中没有可用数据',
'History' => '历史记录',
'info' => '显示_TOTAL_条目的_START_到_END_',
'infoEmpty' => '显示0个条目中的0到0',
'infoFiltered' => '(从_MAX_条目总数中过滤)',
'lengthMenu' => '显示:_MENU_',
'loadingRecords' => '加载中...',
'processing' => '处理中...',
'search' => '搜索:',
'searchPlaceholder' => '搜索记录',
'zeroRecords' => '没有找到匹配的记录',