Git diff against a stash

Asked 2023-09-21 08:10:29 View 974,581

How can I see the changes un-stashing will make to the current working tree? I would like to know what changes will be made before applying them!


See the most recent stash:

git stash show -p

See an arbitrary stash:

git stash show -p stash@{1}

From the git stash manpages:

By default, the command shows the diffstat, but it will accept any format known to git diff (e.g., git stash show -p stash@{1} to view the second most recent stash in patch form).

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

  • stash@{0} is the default; you only need an argument if you want to look at previous stashes. - anyone
  • Right. I merely supplied it so that it was clear how to look at other stashes besides {0}. - anyone
  • This won't show the diff between the stash and the current working dir, but between the stash and it's original parent. Right? From the manpage: "Show the changes recorded in the stash as a diff between the stashed state and its original parent." - anyone
  • @Amber - True, although if your current working tree is dirty, it matters, and makes it a bit more complicated. I came at it from that angle, and found an procedure I shared in my answer below. - anyone
  • what does the -p stand for? - anyone

To see the most recent stash:

git stash show -p

To see an arbitrary stash:

git stash show -p stash@{1}

Also, I use git diff to compare the stash with any branch.

You can use:

git diff stash@{0} master

To see all changes compared to branch master.

Or You can use:

git diff --name-only stash@{0} master

To easy find only changed file names.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

  • This does not answer the specific question. If you created the stash from master (to save work for later), then do some commits for other work on master, then do git diff stash@{0} master, you get a diff of your stash against the current master (which includes the work done on master after the stash was made), not the files/lines that the stash would change, which is what the question is about. - anyone
  • I'm glad you answered the question even if it wasn't an answer to the exact question. It gave more information, and I think it's great to know how to get a diff between a branch and whatever other branch you wan to compare it to. I also liked learning the --name-only flag :) - anyone
  • this also allows looking at the differences using a custom diff viewer, e.g. git difftool --tool=... stash@{0} HEAD - anyone
  • @TomDeLeu Good observation and an important point. To compare a stash item with its parent, this seems to work: git diff stash@{0}^ stash@{0} - anyone
  • As well, you can add the filename git diff stash@{0} master -- filename to get the changes to a specific file. - anyone

If the branch that your stashed changes are based on has changed in the meantime, this command may be useful:

git diff stash@{0}^!

This compares the stash against the commit it is based on.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

  • so good I added an alias to ~/.gitconfig : laststash = diff stash@{0}^! - anyone
  • Perfect pair: git difftool stash^! for diff of last stash against commit it was based on, git difftool stash HEAD for diff of last stash against current commit (stash@{n} for earlier stashes) - anyone
  • For those who were like me and have never seen the ^! before: commit^! is a range specifier which means: this commit, but none of its parents. - anyone
  • "git diff stash@{0}^!" boils down to "git diff stash@{0} ^stash@{0}~1 ^stash@{0}~2 ......." but as git diff takes only 2 commits, it shows the diff between stash@{0} and ^stash@{0}~1 and looks the ^ at the beginning of 2nd commit doesn't make any different and git ignores it. - anyone
  • What shell are you in? Mine requires me to quote it: git diff 'stash@{0}^!' - anyone

Depending on what you want to compare the stash with (local working tree / parent commit / head commit), there are actually several commands available, amongst which the good old git diff, and the more specific git stash show:

Compare stash with ↓ git diff git stash show
Local working tree git diff stash@{0} git stash show -l
Parent commit git diff stash@{0}^ stash@{0} git stash show -p
HEAD commit git diff stash@{0} HEAD /

While git stash show looks more user friendly on first sight, git diff is actually more powerful in that it allows specifying filenames for a more focused diff. I've personally set up aliases for all of these commands in my zsh git plugin.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

  • This is the only correct answer (as of at least git 2.17.1) This is the only answer having "git stash show -l" as well as a bit more information. Thank you very much for posting it - how do we get it upvoted to the top? Put a comment on the topmost one? - anyone
  • I get error: switch l' requires a value` when running git stash show -l - anyone
  • -l is no longer a valid option in newer versions of git. - anyone
  • Depending on your shell (e.g. PowerShell) you may need to put the arguments with curly brackets inside of quotes (e.g. git diff "stash@{0}") - anyone

If your working tree is dirty, you can compare it to a stash by first committing the dirty working tree, and then comparing it to the stash. Afterwards, you may undo the commit with the dirty working tree (since you might not want to have that dirty commit in your commit log).

You can also use the following approach to compare two stashes with each other (in which case you just pop one of the stashes at first).

  • Commit your dirty working tree:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Dirty commit"
  • Diff the stash with that commit:

    git diff HEAD stash@{0}
  • Then, afterwards, you may revert the commit, and put it back in the working dir:

    git reset --soft HEAD~1
    git reset .

Now you've diffed the dirty working tree with your stash, and are back to where you were initially.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

  • Is there a way to do this but to only see a diff of the files that would be changed by what is in the stash? - anyone
  • In 2020 this is much simpler; check out my up-to-date answer. - anyone
  • Interesting, I didn't know about git stash show -l . Does it diff the latest stash against the working (dirty) copy? How do you use it without getting error: switch l requires a value? - anyone
  • Yes indeed, it diffs against the (possibly dirty) working copy. You use it simply by entering git stash show -l. As to why it doesn't work for you, I can only guess you might be on an older version of git? I'm on git v2.20.1, and it works flawlessly without errors. - anyone

@Magne's answer is the only one to (very late) date that answers the most flexible/useful interpretation of the question, but its a fair bit more complicated than necessary. Rather than committing and resetting, just stash your working copy, compare, then unstash.

git stash save "temp"
git diff stash@{0} stash@{1}
git stash pop

That shows you the differences between the top of the stash stack and your working folder by temporarily making your working folder changes become the top of the stash stack (stash@{0}), moving the original top down one (stash@{1}) then comparing using the original top in the 'new set' position so you see the changes that would result from applying it on top of your current work.

"But what if I don't have any current work?" Then you are in the normal boring case. Just use @Amber's answer

git stash show

or @czerasz's answer

git diff stash@{0}

or admit that stashing and unstashing is fast and easy anyway, just unstash the changes and inspect them. If you don't want them at the moment throw them (the current index/working folder changes) away. In full that's

git stash apply
git diff
git reset
git checkout

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

  • This simple approach (stash and then compare to another stash) is safe and easy to understand. For some use cases you may wish to also stash untracked files with git stash save -u - anyone

Just in case, to compare a file in the working tree and in the stash, use the below command

git diff stash@{0} -- fileName (with path)

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

This works for me on git version

git diff stash HEAD

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

  • Misleading! The question is: How can I see the changes un-stashing will make to the current working tree? This shows the diff between the stash and the HEAD which may be VERY different than what will be applied with git stash apply. - anyone
  • Please read on the question more "I would like to know what changes will be made before applying them!". I am providing a fast answer to this. - anyone
  • Also you can see all the other answers are somehow about diff'ing the current head (or working set) against the stash. Why is only my answer misleading? That is not fair. - anyone
  • @yerlilbilgin See my response on your answer below. - anyone
  • We can ommit HEAD, it's by default, isn't it? - anyone

If you have tools for diff (like beyond compare)

git difftool stash HEAD

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

  • Misleading! The question is: How can I see the changes un-stashing will make to the current working tree? This shows the diff between the stash and the HEAD which may be VERY different than what will be applied with git stash apply. - anyone
  • If you think this is misleading, please check all the other answers. That is not fair! - anyone
  • You'll note that I copied that same comment to the other answer which was just as misleading (pretty much the same answer). Other answers that already had a similar comment I left alone. If you understand how git stash works, then you will realize that diff'ing the stash against HEAD is not what gets applied (which is what the OP asks). The actual "stash" is the diff between the stash commit and what was before it. This patch is then applied to the HEAD. So if you want to know what the OP asked, you must show the diff between the stash and the commit before it, which the correct answers do. - anyone
  • This answers the question more directly than any of the other (needlessly) long answers, and does exactly what the OP asked, short of removing HEAD. I could modify @yerlilbilgin's answer to remove HEAD but I think anyone who uses git can figure that part out and me lengthening the answer would make it less readable. No blame on @yerlibilgin. - anyone

I believe git diff <current-branchname>..stash@{0} is the most intuitive way to compare the changes between the local working tree and the most recent stash. Replace stash@{0} with the applicable stash number as needed.

Beware that git diff stash@{0} may produce misleading results. If the two histories of your stash and current branch have diverged, the diff will look like you’re adding all the new stuff in your stash and removing everything unique to the current branch.

answer based on the git book

Also, note that double dot .. and triple dot ... specify different commit comparisons, and I am referring to the double dot for this answer. See the git book for details

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

One way to do this without moving anything is to take advantage of the fact that patch can read git diff's (unified diffs basically)

git stash show -p | patch -p1 --verbose --dry-run

This will show you a step-by-step preview of what patch would ordinarily do. The added benefit to this is that patch won't prevent itself from writing the patch to the working tree either, if for some reason you just really need git to shut up about commiting-before-modifying, go ahead and remove --dry-run and follow the verbose instructions.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

She the list of stash

git stash list 
stash@{0}: WIP on feature/blabla: 830335224fa Name Commit
stash@{1}: WIP on feature/blabla2: 830335224fa Name Commit 2

So get the stash number and do:

You can do:

 git stash show -p stash@{1}

But if you want a diff (this is different to show the stash, that's why I write this answer. Diff consider the current code in your branch and show just show what you will apply)

You can use:

git diff stash@{0}


git diff stash@{0} <branch name>

Another interesting thing to do is:

git stash apply
git stash apply stash@{10}

This applies the stash without removing it from the list, you can git checkout . to remove those change or if you are happy git stash drop stash@{10} to remove a stash from the list.

From here I never recommend to use git stash pop and use a combination of git stash apply and git stash drop If you apply a stash in the wrong branch... well sometimes is difficult to recover your code.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

Combining what I learned in this thread and in this one, when I want to see "what is inside the stash", I first run:

git stash show stash@{0}

That will show what files were modified. Then, to get a nice visual diff in a difftool, I do:

git difftool --dir-diff stash@{0} stash@{0}^

This will display all the differences at once of the given stash against its parent.

You can configure the diff tool in ~/.gitconfig, e.g. with Meld:

    tool = meld

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

I found that none of the answers here gave me quite what I needed for my use case:

Made some changes, stashed them, wanted to check what had changed without applying the stash.

The best I found for a diff between the working tree and the stash was:

git diff stash@{0}

or simply:

git diff stash

But this showed the diff the wrong way round for how I expected it: Lines added (usually in green) were shown as removed (usually red), and vice versa.

Reversing the diff got me what I needed:

git diff stash -R

At this point you get identical results running this command after stashing as you would running git diff before the stash.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29

FWIW This may be a bit redundant to all the other answers and is very similar to the accepted answer which is spot on; but maybe it will help someone out.

git stash show --help will give you all you should need; including stash show info.

show [<stash>]

Show the changes recorded in the stash as a diff between the stashed state and its original parent. When no is given, shows the latest one. By default, the command shows the diffstat, but it will accept any format known to git diff (e.g., git stash show -p stash@{1} to view the second most recent stash in patch form). You can use stash.showStat and/or stash.showPatch config variables to change the default behavior.

Answered   2023-09-21 08:10:29