Preview an image before it is uploaded

Asked 2023-09-20 20:57:14 View 733,188

I want to be able to preview a file (image) before it is uploaded. The preview action should be executed all in the browser without using Ajax to upload the image.

How can I do this?


imgInp.onchange = evt => {
  const [file] = imgInp.files
  if (file) {
    blah.src = URL.createObjectURL(file)
<form runat="server">
  <input accept="image/*" type='file' id="imgInp" />
  <img id="blah" src="#" alt="your image" />

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

  • I made a ReactJS implementation of this. Works like a charm. @kxc you should make an ajax call and send input.files[0] as data, see jQuery's doc. - anyone
  • what if no file is choosen after upload one ?\ - anyone
  • @EasyBB After changing the orientation of the image, how to replace it with the actual uploaded image? I am getting the old image only. - anyone
  • Internet Explorer version 20H2 says evt => is a wrong syntax :(. - anyone
  • @Esamo change it to be a normal function declaration instead of arrow - anyone

There are a couple ways you can do this. The most efficient way would be to use URL.createObjectURL() on the File from your <input>. Pass this URL to img.src to tell the browser to load the provided image.

Here's an example:

<input type="file" accept="image/*" onchange="loadFile(event)">
<img id="output"/>
  var loadFile = function(event) {
    var output = document.getElementById('output');
    output.src = URL.createObjectURL([0]);
    output.onload = function() {
      URL.revokeObjectURL(output.src) // free memory

You can also use FileReader.readAsDataURL() to parse the file from your <input>. This will create a string in memory containing a base64 representation of the image.

<input type="file" accept="image/*" onchange="loadFile(event)">
<img id="output"/>
  var loadFile = function(event) {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function(){
      var output = document.getElementById('output');
      output.src = reader.result;

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

  • to avoid memory issues you should call URL.revokeObjectURL when you are done with your blob - anyone
  • @Apolo not in this case, see this answer: - anyone
  • about your first comment @tfmontague. Are you sure? I just copied the bese64 string after using readAsDataURL and opened it in another browser and it works. - anyone
  • @Lonel Lupu - Believe my answer was incorrect! Also used readAsDataURL and was able to convert the base64 characters into an image. - anyone
  • Read carefully: When an image is uploaded using the file input, it is stored in the browser's cache. The URL.createObjectURL() will create a link to the cached image on the browser. To create the base64 string of the file which can be stored in a database use readAsDataURL. - anyone

One-liner solution:

The following code uses object URLs, which is much more efficient than data URL for viewing large images (A data URL is a huge string containing all of the file data, whereas an object URL, is just a short string referencing the file data in-memory):

<img id="blah" alt="your image" width="100" height="100" />

<input type="file" 
    onchange="document.getElementById('blah').src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0])">

Generated URL will be like:


Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

  • @Raptor and so is the whole File API... (FileReader, input.files etc.) URL.createObjectURL is the way to go when dealing with user submitted files, it only creates an in-memory symlink to the real file on user's disk. - anyone
  • @cnlevy How can we access the files uploaded? Is it only possible to get it from the URL as you mentioned? To be specific, I'm using flask which already supports access of uploaded files. Is there some other way with this one-liner? - anyone
  • This solution not worked for me. Image preview not showing. - anyone
  • Beautiful. But what about clearing memory using URL.revokeObjectURL()? :D - anyone
  • @pheianox It depends on you, because it is not that big of a problem. "Browsers will release object URLs automatically when the document is unloaded; however, for optimal performance and memory usage, if there are safe times when you can explicitly unload them, you should do so". For more info MDN reference - anyone

Try This

To PREVIEW the image before uploading it to the SERVER from the Browser without using Ajax or any complicated functions.

It needs an "onChange" event to load the image.

function preview() {
  <input type="file" onchange="preview()">
  <img id="frame" src="" width="100px" height="100px"/>

To preview multiple image click here

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

  • IMPORTANT: If/when using this method it's necessary to remove the object URL to prevent memory leaks. This is done by calling URL.revokeObjectURL(myObjectUrl), where myObjectUrl is the object URL created (this means that you'll need to assign the Object URL to a temporary variable before setting the image src). See…. - anyone
  • this works fine for single image, if there are three image files, with different id's / src it won't change the source for the next ones - anyone

The answer of LeassTaTT works well in "standard" browsers like FF and Chrome. The solution for IE exists but looks different. Here description of cross-browser solution:

In HTML we need two preview elements, img for standard browsers and div for IE


<img id="preview" 
     style="display:none; max-width: 160px; max-height: 120px; border: none;"/>

<div id="preview_ie"></div>

In CSS we specify the following IE specific thing:


#preview_ie {
  FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod=scale)

In HTML we include the standard and the IE-specific Javascripts:

<script type="text/javascript">
  {% include "pic_preview.js" %}
<!--[if gte IE 7]> 
<script type="text/javascript">
  {% include "pic_preview_ie.js" %}

The pic_preview.js is the Javascript from the LeassTaTT's answer. Replace the $('#blah') whith the $('#preview') and add the $('#preview').show()

Now the IE specific Javascript (pic_preview_ie.js):

function readURL (imgFile) {    
  var newPreview = document.getElementById('preview_ie');
  newPreview.filters.item('DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader').src = imgFile.value; = '160px'; = '120px';

That's is. Works in IE7, IE8, FF and Chrome. Please test in IE9 and report. The idea of IE preview was found here:

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

Short two-liner

This is size improvement of cmlevy answer - try

<input type=file oninput="pic.src=window.URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0])">
<img id="pic" />

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

  • How do you get the entire file path? - anyone
  • @Bbb it not looks like typical path - it look like some temporary "link": blob:null/35c35011-111c-4d9e-ac3f-a779e049eb3d - anyone

I have edited @Ivan's answer to display "No Preview Available" image, if it is not an image:

function readURL(input) {
    var url = input.value;
    var ext = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();
    if (input.files && input.files[0]&& (ext == "gif" || ext == "png" || ext == "jpeg" || ext == "jpg")) {
        var reader = new FileReader();

        reader.onload = function (e) {

         $('.imagepreview').attr('src', '/assets/no_preview.png');

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

Here's a multiple files version, based on Ivan Baev's answer.


<input type="file" multiple id="gallery-photo-add">
<div class="gallery"></div>

JavaScript / jQuery

$(function() {
    // Multiple images preview in browser
    var imagesPreview = function(input, placeToInsertImagePreview) {

        if (input.files) {
            var filesAmount = input.files.length;

            for (i = 0; i < filesAmount; i++) {
                var reader = new FileReader();

                reader.onload = function(event) {



    $('#gallery-photo-add').on('change', function() {
        imagesPreview(this, '');

Requires jQuery 1.8 due to the usage of $.parseHTML, which should help with XSS mitigation.

This will work out of the box, and the only dependancy you need is jQuery.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

Yes. It is possible.


<input type="file" accept="image/*"  onchange="showMyImage(this)" />
<img id="thumbnil" style="width:20%; margin-top:10px;"  src="" alt="image"/>


 function showMyImage(fileInput) {
        var files = fileInput.files;
        for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {           
            var file = files[i];
            var imageType = /image.*/;     
            if (!file.type.match(imageType)) {
            var img=document.getElementById("thumbnil");            
            img.file = file;    
            var reader = new FileReader();
            reader.onload = (function(aImg) { 
                return function(e) { 
                    aImg.src =; 

You can get Live Demo from here.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14


        for (var i = 0; i < $(this)[0].files.length; i++) {
            $("#frames").append('<img src="'+window.URL.createObjectURL(this.files[i])+'" width="100px" height="100px"/>');
    <script src=""></script>
    <input type="file" id="image" name="image[]" multiple /><br/>
    <div id="frames"></div>

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

  • Like: why? $(this)[0].files > this.files - anyone
  • $(this)[0].files --> Gives the selected number of images or [object FileList] - anyone

Clean and simple JSfiddle

This will be useful when you want The event to triggered indirectly from a div or a button.

<img id="image-preview"  style="height:100px; width:100px;"  src="" >

<input style="display:none" id="input-image-hidden" onchange="document.getElementById('image-preview').src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0])" type="file" accept="image/jpeg, image/png">

<button  onclick="HandleBrowseClick('input-image-hidden');" >UPLOAD IMAGE</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
function HandleBrowseClick(hidden_input_image)
    var fileinputElement = document.getElementById(hidden_input_image);;

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

Example with multiple images using JavaScript (jQuery) and HTML5

JavaScript (jQuery)

function readURL(input) {
     for(var i =0; i< input.files.length; i++){
         if (input.files[i]) {
            var reader = new FileReader();

            reader.onload = function (e) {
               var img = $('<img id="dynamic">');


Markup (HTML)

<form id="form1" runat="server">
    <input type="file" id="imgUpload" multiple/>

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

In React, if the file is in your props, you can use:

{props.value instanceof File && (
    <img src={URL.createObjectURL(props.value)}/>

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

How about creating a function that loads the file and fires a custom event. Then attach a listener to the input. This way we have more flexibility to use the file, not just for previewing images.

 * @param {domElement} input - The input element
 * @param {string} typeData - The type of data to be return in the event object. 
function loadFileFromInput(input,typeData) {
    var reader,
        files = input.files;

    if (files && files[0]) {
        reader = new FileReader();

        reader.onload = function (e) {
            fileLoadedEvent = new CustomEvent('fileLoaded',{
        switch(typeData) {
            case 'arraybuffer':
            case 'dataurl':
            case 'binarystring':
            case 'text':
function fileHandler (e) {
    var data =,
        fileInfo = e.detail.file;

    img.src = data;
var input = document.getElementById('inputId'),
    img = document.getElementById('imgId');

input.onchange = function (e) {


Probably my code isn't as good as some users but I think you will get the point of it. Here you can see an example

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

Following is the working code.

<input type='file' onchange="readURL(this);" /> 
<img id="ShowImage" src="#" />


 function readURL(input) {
        if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
            var reader = new FileReader();

            reader.onload = function (e) {


Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

Try this

window.onload = function() {
  if (window.File && window.FileList && window.FileReader) {
    var filesInput = document.getElementById("uploadImage");
    filesInput.addEventListener("change", function(event) {
      var files =;
      var output = document.getElementById("result");
      for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        var file = files[i];
        if (!file.type.match('image'))
        var picReader = new FileReader();
        picReader.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
          var picFile =;
          var div = document.createElement("div");
          div.innerHTML = "<img class='thumbnail' src='" + picFile.result + "'" +
            "title='" + + "'/>";
          output.insertBefore(div, null);

<input type="file" id="uploadImage" name="termek_file" class="file_input" multiple/>
<div id="result" class="uploadPreview">

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

What about this solution?

Just add the data attribute "data-type=editable" to an image tag like this:

<img data-type="editable" id="companyLogo" src="" height="300px" width="300px" />

And the script to your project off course...

function init() {
    $("img[data-type=editable]").each(function (i, e) {
        var _inputFile = $('<input/>')
            .attr('type', 'file')
            .attr('hidden', 'hidden')
            .attr('onchange', 'readImage()')


        $(e).on("click", _inputFile, triggerClick);

function triggerClick(e) {;

Element.prototype.readImage = function () {
    var _inputFile = this;
    if (_inputFile && _inputFile.files && _inputFile.files[0]) {
        var _fileReader = new FileReader();
        _fileReader.onload = function (e) {
            var _imagePlaceholder = _inputFile.attributes.getNamedItem("data-image-placeholder").value;
            var _img = $("#" + _imagePlaceholder);

// IIFE - Immediately Invoked Function Expression

function (yourcode) {
    "use strict";
    // The global jQuery object is passed as a parameter
    yourcode(window.jQuery, window, document);

function ($, window, document) {
    "use strict";
    // The $ is now locally scoped 
    $(function () {
        // The DOM is ready!

    // The rest of your code goes here!

See demo at JSFiddle

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

Preview multiple images before it is uploaded using jQuery/javascript?

This will preview multiple files as thumbnail images at a time


<input id="ImageMedias" multiple="multiple" name="ImageMedias" type="file"
accept=".jfif,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif" class="custom-file-input"  value="">                                    
<div id="divImageMediaPreview"></div>


$("#ImageMedias").change(function () {
    if (typeof (FileReader) != "undefined") {
        var dvPreview = $("#divImageMediaPreview");
        $($(this)[0].files).each(function () {
            var file = $(this);                
                var reader = new FileReader();
                reader.onload = function (e) {
                    var img = $("<img />");
                    img.attr("style", "width: 150px; height:100px; padding: 10px");
    } else {
        alert("This browser does not support HTML5 FileReader.");

Working Demo on Codepen

Working Demo on jsfiddle

I hope this will help.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

  • could this be done in regular javascript? I'd rather not add all of jQuery for previews... as I wasn't using it to save on load times. - anyone
<img id="blah" alt="your image" width="100" height="100" />
<input type="file" name="photo" id="fileinput" />
$('#fileinput').change(function() {
var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]);

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

To Preview MULTIPLE Files and Single file in single function with reusable approach using Plain JavaScript

function imagePreviewFunc(that, previewerId) {
    let files = that.files
        previewerId.innerHTML='' // reset image preview element

    for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        let imager = document.createElement("img");
            imager.src = URL.createObjectURL(files[i]);
<input accept="image/*" type='file' id="imageInput_1"
       onchange="imagePreviewFunc(this, imagePreview_1)" />
<div id="imagePreview_1">This Div for Single Image Preview</div>
<hr />
<input class="form-control" accept="image/*" type='file' id="imageInput_2" multiple="true"
       onchange="imagePreviewFunc(this, imagePreview_2)" />
<div id="imagePreview_2">This Div for Multiple Image Preview</div>

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

I have made a plugin which can generate the preview effect in IE 7+ thanks to the internet, but has few limitations. I put it into a github page so that its easier to get it

$(function () {
			div: ".preview",
			imgwidth: 180,
			imgheight: 120
			div: ".preview2",
			imgwidth: 90,
			imgheight: 90
.preview > div {
  display: inline-block;

.preview2 > div {
  display: inline-block; 
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
	<div class="preview"></div>
	<div class="preview2"></div>

	<form action="#" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
		<input type="file" name="file1">
		<input type="file" name="file2">
		<input type="submit">

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

For Multiple image upload (Modification to the @IvanBaev's Solution)

function readURL(input) {
    if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
        var i;
        for (i = 0; i < input.files.length; ++i) {
          var reader = new FileReader();
          reader.onload = function (e) {
              $('#form1').append('<img src="''">');

Hope this helps someone.

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

It's my code.Support IE[6-9]、chrome 17+、firefox、Opera 11+、Maxthon3

function previewImage(fileObj, imgPreviewId) {
    var allowExtention = ".jpg,.bmp,.gif,.png";  //allowed to upload file type
    var extention = fileObj.value.substring(fileObj.value.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase();
    var browserVersion = window.navigator.userAgent.toUpperCase();
    if (allowExtention.indexOf(extention) > -1) {
        if (fileObj.files) {
            if (window.FileReader) {
                var reader = new FileReader();
                reader.onload = function (e) {
            } else if (browserVersion.indexOf("SAFARI") > -1) {
                alert("don't support  Safari6.0 below broswer");
        } else if (browserVersion.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) {
            if (browserVersion.indexOf("MSIE 6") > -1) {//ie6
                document.getElementById(imgPreviewId).setAttribute("src", fileObj.value);
            } else {//ie[7-9]
                var newPreview = document.getElementById(imgPreviewId);

       = "solid 1px #eeeeee";
       = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(sizingMethod='scale',src='" + document.selection.createRange().text + "')";
       = "block";

        } else if (browserVersion.indexOf("FIREFOX") > -1) {//firefox
            var firefoxVersion = parseFloat(browserVersion.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/([\d.]+)/)[1]);
            if (firefoxVersion < 7) {//firefox7 below
                document.getElementById(imgPreviewId).setAttribute("src", fileObj.files[0].getAsDataURL());
            } else {//firefox7.0+ 
                document.getElementById(imgPreviewId).setAttribute("src", window.URL.createObjectURL(fileObj.files[0]));
        } else {
            document.getElementById(imgPreviewId).setAttribute("src", fileObj.value);
    } else {
        alert("only support" + allowExtention + "suffix");
        fileObj.value = ""; //clear Selected file
        if (browserVersion.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) {

function changeFile(elem) {
    //file object , preview img tag id
<input type="file"  id="netBarBig"  onchange="changeFile(this)"  />
<img  src="" id="imagePreview" style="width:120px;height:80px;" alt=""/>

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

Default Iamge

                @Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.productModels.DefaultImage, new {@type = "file", @class = "form-control", onchange = "openFile(event)", @name = "DefaultImage", @id = "DefaultImage" })
                @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.productModels.DefaultImage, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })
                    <img src="~/img/ApHandler.png"  style="height:125px; width:125px" id="DefaultImagePreview"/>

    var openFile = function (event) {
        var input =;

        var reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = function () {
            var dataURL = reader.result;
            var output = document.getElementById('DefaultImagePreview');
            output.src = dataURL;

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

Here's a solution if you're using React:

import * as React from 'react'
import { useDropzone } from 'react-dropzone'

function imageDropper() {
  const [imageUrl, setImageUrl] = React.useState()
  const [imageFile, setImageFile] = React.useState()

  const onDrop = React.useCallback(
    acceptedFiles => {
      const file = acceptedFiles[0]

      // convert file to data: url
      const reader = new FileReader()
      reader.addEventListener('load', () => setImageUrl(String(reader.result)), false)
    [setImageFile, setImageUrl]
  const { getRootProps, getInputProps, isDragActive } = useDropzone({ onDrop })

  return (
      <div {...getRootProps()}>
        {imageFile ? : ''}
        {isDragActive ? <p>Drop files here...</p> : <p>Select image file...</p>}
        <input {...getInputProps()} />
      {imageUrl && (
          Your image: <img src={imageUrl} />

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

ES2017 Way

// convert file to a base64 url
const readURL = file => {
    return new Promise((res, rej) => {
        const reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = e => res(;
        reader.onerror = e => rej(e);

// for demo
const fileInput = document.createElement('input');
fileInput.type = 'file';
const img = document.createElement('img');
img.attributeStyleMap.set('max-width', '320px');

const preview = async event => {
    const file =[0];
    const url = await readURL(file);
    img.src = url;

fileInput.addEventListener('change', preview);

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

Here is a much easy way to preview image before upload using pure javascript;

//profile_change is the id of the input field where we choose an image
document.getElementById("profile_change").addEventListener("change", function() {

//Here we select the first file among the selected files.
const file = this.files[0];

/*here i used a label for the input field which is an image and this image will 
  represent the photo selected and profile_label is the id of this label */
const profile_label = document.getElementById("profile_label");

//Here we check if a file is selected
if(file) {
    //Here we bring in the FileReader which reads the file info. 
    const reader = new FileReader();
    /*After reader loads we change the src attribute of the label to the url of the 
    new image selected*/
    reader.addEventListener("load", function() {
        dp_label.setAttribute("src", this.result);

    /*Here we are reading the file as a url i.e, we try to get the location of the 
    file to set that as the src of the label which we did above*/

}else {
    //Here we simply set the src as default, whatever you want if no file is selected.
    dp_label.setAttribute("src", "as_you_want")

And here is the HTML;

<label for="profile_change">
            <img title="Change Profile Photo" id="profile_label" 
             src="as_you_want" alt="DP" style="height: 150px; width: 150px; 
               border-radius: 50%;" >
<input style="display: none;" id="profile_change" name="DP" type="file" class="detail form-control">

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

  • Please comment the problem with my answer. - anyone
  • I used this code in a website 2 years ago, so there maybe changes. And thanks for pointing out. You can just edit my answer and regarding second problem, it seems a typo - anyone
<input type="file" name="main_image" id="main_image" 
                                onchange="readURL(this , 'main_image_preview');"  >
<img id="main_image_preview" src="" width="100px" height="100px" style="display: none;" />

function readURL(input , jquery_id) {
            if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
                var reader = new FileReader();
                reader.onload = function (e) {

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

for my app, with encryped GET url parameters, only this worked. I always got a TypeError: $(...) is null. Taken from

function previewFile() {
  var preview = document.querySelector('img');
  var file    = document.querySelector('input[type=file]').files[0];
  var reader  = new FileReader();

  reader.addEventListener("load", function () {
    preview.src = reader.result;
  }, false);

  if (file) {
<input type="file" onchange="previewFile()"><br>
<img src="" height="200" alt="Image preview...">

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14

function assignFilePreviews() {
    $('input[data-previewable=\"true\"]').change(function() {
        var prvCnt = $(this).attr('data-preview-container');
        if (prvCnt) {
            if (this.files && this.files[0]) {
                var reader = new FileReader();
                reader.onload = function(e) {
                    var img = $('<img>');
                    img.error(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {


<input type="file" data-previewable="true" data-preview-container=".prd-img-prv" />
<div class = "prd-img-prv"></div>

This also handles case when file with invalid type ( ex. pdf ) is choosen

Answered   2023-09-20 20:57:14